The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Using Content to Make a Sale

Yes, I’m on a content kick this week and today we’re going to continue by discussing ways that using content can help you sell. Unlike offline, when you run a business on the web, words speak louder than actions. What your potential customers read is what will ultimately determine if those people make the decision to buy from you.

Show them what to do and what tools they need to get the job done.

Readers love “How to” articles and you can create some great content around showing people how to do certain things. As you create these types of articles, give enough detail so they know what they should do and recommend the tools that will help them get the job done.

Choose your link text wisely.

Don’t end your article with simply “Buy Here” or “Visit” People have a tendency to scan an article before reading and if they see a something that looks like you are selling something right off the bat, they ignore it or they will immediately move on. So, instead of giving them instructions to buy, instead use phrases like "Further Recommended Reading”, “Further Recommended Study", “Learn More”, etc.

I find keeping it highly informative sounding inspires plenty of clickthroughs and sales.

Include links to your products within your articles.

Some article directories don't allow promotions within an article, but these are often the most powerful, so make sure to sell in the articles you publish on your site and when submitting to other publishers that do allow links in the body of your article.

Extra Tip – If you’re distributing your articles for publication, ALWAYS allow people to substitute your links with their affiliate links in your article. It's an extra incentive for them to publish your article over someone else’s.


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