The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Friday, September 14, 2007

Negativity & Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

As you may know I accept questions on my Internet Marketing FAQ that I answer when time allows…and if the questions haven’t been asked before (you’d be surprised at how many questions HAVE been answered when you really dig). Often, I receive submissions that aren’t exactly questions, or they are questions buried under the negativity and hardships people have faced in their lives.

Now, I am not heartless, I feel for these people…but in my experience, when I come into contact with people who blame external factors (whether they are disabilities, family hardships, computer crashes, what have you) for their struggle and failings, it seems like they direct their own course to great struggle and even complete failure.

If you are stuck on the negative, it’s tough to come out on top. It’s tough, but not impossible. But it’s only possible if you realize it and take the initiative to change those negative thoughts. I’m not a deep thinking philosopher by any means, but I do believe that you are in charge of your own destiny.

Life is about choices and if you choose to think negative and find excuses for reasons as to why nothing is going right in your life, then more times than not, those things will come true. Self-fulfilling prophecy is definitely at work in our lives. It’s the direction you choose to take, that will make the difference between a positive and profitable business and a business that is doomed before it is even given the chance to take off and be something great.

Think Positive, Live Positive in business and in life!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think by now most have discovered "The Law Of Attraction." That Law is the major premise to the movie phenomenon "The Secret." To wit: the essence of that which is like itself attracts unto itself. We on a gut level know this already when we say things like "bad news comes in threes" Or from the Bible "seek and ye shall find." What we expect on a deep level we will experience-- for good or ill.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Annabett,

Unfortunately, from the looks of the questions coming into me, they haven't discovered it. Or they're not applying it to their lives and business.

In fact, I've never watched "The Secret" or really read anything on "The Law of Attraction," myself...but I definitely understand the power of it. I just hope that others who struggle themselves can do so as well.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I don't do the law of attraction and I don't believe in that thinking positive is all there is to it - but it sure is a great place to start!

Whenever I whined about something as a teenager my dad always said 'Quit your b-t-hin' and do somethin' about it!'

Dwelling on negativity is such a waste of time and effort and energy.

Good post Alice!

12:06 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

I heard once that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. I took inventory of the 5 people I spent the most time with. The top three were not only family, but two of them are some of the most negative people I've ever known, and the third is well on her way to joining them. Obviously not hanging out with my family all the time was not an option, but now instead of trying to convince them there is a positive, I just walk away. Trying to point out the positive and getting knocked back down with the negative was exhausting me. LOL I'm much happier since I stopped listening to all the negative all the time.

Thanks for the post, Alice! ~ Shannon

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My grandmother used to say "If you can find reason why you'd fail, you're halfway there."

I think a lot of the reason that people get stuck in the negative is because they either don't really, really want what their after, or they don't want to do the work to get there. Anytime I've been negative about what I'm doing, I just ask myself if it's really what I want. If it is, I'll ditch the attitude, and if it's not, I'll move on to other things I'm more passionate about.

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Courtney, I love that quote. It's perfect.

Shannon, I've heard that too, regarding income, and I think there is a lot of merit to it. The calculations may not be exactly correct, but when you surround yourself with motivated, positive and successful people that can do you a world of good.

Definitely Kelly - it's not everything...but if someone is wallowing in the fact that their spouse lost their job, their hard drive fizzled out last night and it's making it impossible to keep up with's tough to get beyond that as I'm sure you'd agree. Once you erase the focus on the negative, you can finally gain focus and start moving forward.

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, nice positive post.

First time I see your blog,
got here from clickz,

I'm now a subscriber hehehe.

Thinking positive can take you anywhere while negative will take you nowhere.

Good One,
now I'm goint to see what you say about marketing :)

oh and Courtney I totally agree
with you mammy's quote :)

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so easy to get stuck in the negative, but you can also get out of it, if you're determined to do so. Thanks for the post, Alice.

11:23 AM  

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