The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Three Thoughts Thursday:Attending Seminars

As I'm getting ready to head to Atlanta for Armand Morin's BigSeminar, I figured now was a great time to share "three thoughts" on the subject. It has been a couple years since I've attended a seminar, but this will be my 3rd BigSeminar. Armand puts together a first-rate production, so it was definitely my seminar of choice when making the decision to invest money and to travel.

Anyway - these are my Three Thoughts on What NOT to Do at an Internet Marketing Seminar (I'de love your suggestions as well - so feel free to share as many thoughts as you have!):

1. Don't expect to be able to absorb and implement everything that is shared during the seminar. Keep your business plan in mind when you arrive and pay attention to information that will help you maximize your current plan. Don't get distracted with all kinds of new ideas that don't fit in with what you're working on now.

2. Don't go to your hotel room, order room service and watch TV after the daily sessions are over. The most valuable information and connections happen after school's out and attendees get together for networking opportunities.

3. When you do network, don't shove your business down other people's throats. This isn't like speed dating where you have to determine if you want to date/do business with the person you're talking to in 30 seconds. Plant the seeds for long-term relationships...they will serve you well.

Now...after all that negativity, if you want suggestions on how to make the most of attending a seminar, check out this guide, if you haven't already.

What do you do to make the most of your offline networking and learning opportunities?


Blogger Stefani @ said...

Good points! I have been to a few seminars but its been about 5 years.

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a great experience and everyone stuck behind their computer should do it. Even if it is to get together with some other Internet marketers locally. I see people putting together local get togethers on forums all the time. It's AWESOME!

9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so wish I was coming to Atlanta. Next time. Have fun, Alice and network it up for all of us.

10:51 PM  

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