Freebie Friday - I'm in a Twit for Twitter
About a week and a half ago, I got turned onto Twitter by Kelly McCausey.
Twitter describes itself as:

What a silly thing for an Internet marketer to get involved with, right?

Basically, with this service, you create a free account and find people to follow. You'll receive their updates on what they're doing and can even chat a little. You can view messages on the web, by email, via cell phone text message or by a cool Firefox plug in called TwitBin. You can even send private messages, if you want to take something off Twitter.
I tell you - I'm hooked!
Here's what I love about Twitter for business:
1. It helps me with accountability and motivation. If I say I'm working hard on something to my Twitter friends, by golly, I'd better do it!
2. It's reminiscent of being in a "real world" office whre you can chat a bit while you work and connect with co-workers. I just load up my Twitbin on my second monitor and get to work.
3. I hate IM (instant messaging), but still like to feel connected. Twitter is WAY better. With Twitter there is no pressure to keep up conversations when you're supposed to be working. You just talk when you want and don't when you don't want to.
4. It's a supportive environment (at least me and my followers make a nice group!). I can get feedback, encourage people to comment on my blog and do the same for others.
If you're thinking of Twittering, here are my tips:
1. Be involved. Read and respond to others, where appropriate. Don't just post your links all day. Links are TOTALLY fine, but don't make it your only objective or you won't get the most out of Twitter.
2. Follow your followers - but do discriminate. In most cases, if someone follows me, I follow them. If I don't, he or she might address me, but I won't see the message because I didn't choose to follow. The only people I don't follow are the ones who clearly joined to post their links only. I always look at the profile and see what kind of messages to post to see if we're a good fit.
3. Put "@username" before your message when addressing someone. Your followers may not be following the same people as you, so they may have no idea what you're talking about.
Wanna Follow Me?
If you're on Twitter or want to get started, be sure to follow me. My username is imsweetie.
Like I said, I follow just about all my followers. I just check the profile to see if we have similar interests and that the person isn't just there to post links.
So go ahead, follow imsweetie.
Feel free to leave your Twitter name in the comments are, so I know who you are. Or if you have any questions, comments or tips, please post 'em.
It sounds like fun and great for those feelings of isolation we can get when working from home.
You've said it all great Alice. I like it for all the same reasons :)
When I want to buckle down, I close my twitbin - when I want to enjoy some society, I open it up.
Totally satisfying.
My thoughts exactly! I came across something the other day where he was basically saying these were the things Twitter wasn't for.
I totally disagree. I love having Twitter for that 'co-worker' interaction during the day. And even to get ideas and opinions for something I am working on.
Well said!
I like it, it is now part of my daily routine to pop in and inform fellow twitters what I am currently doing and I like to see how others are managing their day. I close and open my twitbin throughout the day. Not to mention I have some connections with some wahms I didn't know before twitter.
Whoa! I see my mug shot up there! Good thing I didn't say anything stupid when you captured that shot. But it is true, Twitter does motivate me in more ways than one. Get more work done and get fit too!
Oh how I love Twitter... let me count the ways:
1. It's like I have all my buddies working at home with me.
2. I love to see what others are working on.
3. It's a great place to bounce ideas off each other.
4. Instant feedback!
5. It's just plain fun!
I've never heard of twitter before, but it looks like fun, and a valuable tool. I just signed up.
Ooh, I didn't know about the firefox plugin, Alice! Thanks for the heads up! I just might take another look at Twitter. The one I wanted was too wide for my sidebar on one of my blogs, so I hadn't really looked at it again. But - you make it sound so appealing!
Oh, my username is 'lisamariemary' :)
Reading all this reminds me of the avian menagerie behind glass at the zoo! Looks like fun, I think I'll check it out too.
I like Twitter for a lot of the same reasons too...especially because like you said it's way better than IM and you don't have to worry about keeping up with conversations!
A agree with everything you've said Alice. Since I'm away for much of the day I also like Twitter for catching up on the virtual office talk! That way not only can I sometimes pick up a useful tip that I might otherwise have missed but I can share something of use to others at a time that is convenient for me.
Heading over to check it out.
I'm usually the last to join these things but i'm checking it out now :-)
I followed you! My ID is stlva4u :)
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