The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Monday, October 15, 2007

Myth Crusher Monday - I Can Learn Everything I Need by Watching, Not Buying

Here's something I'd like to call a "half myth". I often hear the advice:

"You can learn everything you need to know about Internet Marketing by WATCHING the gurus, rather than buying their products."

In fact, Kelly McCausey and I just talked about it on her 200th WAHM Talk Radio Show (congrats to Kelly!).

Here's how it came up:

Kelly asked me who I liked to learn from. I mentioned the usual suspects who really helped me take things to the next level (Armand Morin, John Reese, Michel Fortin, etc.). But then I told her that now I actually really love learning from other Mom Masterminds members. And it's not necessarily what they are saying or teaching, but what they were DOING. I loved watching those marketing minds at work and seeing what's really working for people.

But here's where the myth thing comes in:

I needed that core information from those great teachers I mentioned above to help me understand good marketing and to figure out the basics of what works online and what doesn't. Without that, I'd still be floundering trying to watch everyone else and possibly going down the wrong path.

...and I'm not exaggerating. When I first started out, I tried to follow some people that I thought were really successful and knew exactly what they were doing. Only to find out they weren't really making much money at all AND actually used marketing methods that could be detrimental to my business. I just had no clue!

If you're brand new to Internet marketing, I don't think you can watch gurus or anyone and figure out what's working and what's not. There are so many people online who are "faking it 'til they make it," and without the background knowledge AND experience, you won't be able to decide what's working or not.

So, if you're yourself a favor. Get some core learning materials and start applying what you learn. As your experience grows that's when you'll truly be able to benefit from watching others and separating the wheat from the chaff will be so much easier.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that what you are saying is very true. Here is the problem that I often have. I am not sure what I should be learning right now. There are always so many products being released that I am not sure what is right for where I am in my business and knowledge level.

I hope that makes sense.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one of the trickiest parts, isn't it Lisa?

I know another natural question from my post is knowing who to get learning materials from. For that question, I'd always look to recommendations from your Internet marketing peers and going from there.

Lisa - for your question - where are you now with your business? I mean are you still looking for a complete overview of online business (ex. something you get from the IMC's Insider Secrets)? Or do you need to fill specific gaps in your knowledge / experience? Where do you see your weaknesses in your business now? Is it:

- Getting traffic?
- Building your list?
- Converting more visitors to sales?

...for example. Maybe looking at those 3 main things could help you figure out where to spend your time learning next.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In general, I agree - except the 'core material' does NOT have to be a high priced seminar or homestudy.

To me, nothing beats Jay Abraham's $39 book, "How To Get Everything You Can Out Of All That You Have"

All success

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely, Dr. Mani. It depends on how you learn too. Jay Abraham is more big picture thinking and doesn't completely lay out the steps for people. It IS actually the kind of content I prefer myself because I haven't the patience for complete step-by-step. ;-)

But then I know that so many people really crave the step-by-step and sometimes that costs a bit more. At least from the materials I've reviewed.

I do also often recommend Ken Evoy's Make Your Site Sell, which is actually FREE. But I did review it again recently and the way a lot of the information has become dated is worrisome to me. It still contains tons of GREAT info, but I don't want anyone to get bogged down in the old stuff.

It IS very interesting to see how different people learn...and as a's a bit of a struggle to provide just the right resources.

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter what your field, finding or creating a "mastermind" group is probably the most productive thing you can do to boost your own productivity.

Other people facing the same issues who are willing to share information will pull you in the right direction nearly every time.

5:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments here and on Kelly's show this week. I've been watching you and Mila, and a few others, and I'm amazed at what you freely give to help others out. I know there are a few products I'd like to purchase, but haven't gotten to a point where that's possible. When I can feasibly spend the extra money, I will.

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent point, Chuck...a mastermind group is very powerful as well.

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have learned a lot from both Jim Edwards and Paul Myers.
It took a while to seperate as you say the wheat from the chaff and to develop the criteria necessary to be able to discern balance from bs.

I would recommend everybody to Paul Myers free talkbiz newsletter.
Great stuff.

Also while I am here I may as well tell you that I am really enjoying a brain mapping program I came across the other day.
It works Really Well for me!
I can unload/download my brain real quick...

2:49 PM  

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