An Internet Marketing Sweetie in the Making? Art from a 4-Year Old

From the right we have his big brother, the artist himself and Daddy. I was a little disturbed when I found his big brother was holding a gun and he was holding a sword, but he assured me it was "for protection only". Add to that, we have the giant ice cream cone his Daddy is holding and the hearts across their chests making it seem a whole lot sweeter!
WOW he is very creative for 4!! I love the details in the pictures and the explainations for having the weapons is kinda sweet (smile). Hey, he wants to be sure the home is safe and sound ;-)
Too cute! My son draws guns and swords with everything too. Thankfully his explanations are pretty close to the same. After all you never know when a bear may come sneaking into family time! :)
Very cute!
How cute ... but oh no Alice, my blog troll is going to come accuse you of bad parenting because your son plays with weapons.
How adorable...but where's Mama?
Looks like a typical "boys night out". They've got it all - guns, swords and ice cream! What more do three men need?
Yeah whatever, Carrie. My kid watches Dora the Explorer and can count in Spanish! ;-)
Arika - he ran out of space. But he drew a picture of me and him today. I had two ice cream cones and no weapons. But there were no hearts on our chests either. :-(
I like how well he does hearts, they are really good considering his age! :D
Funny, your boys learn Spanish from Dora, my son learns English!
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