Sweetie Saturday: All Health Content PLR Membership Up For Grabs
If you target the health and wellness market this is definitely going to save you some much needed time in your business. Time you could spend doing other things…like taking the weekend off once in awhile to enjoy life instead of creating your own content to keep your site fresh and funky! ;-)
1. Find out what all you’ll get with your membership to All Health Content by clicking here. You’ll find it’s more than just a few articles. Told you we weren’t your normal PLR site.
2. In the comments section below, post 150-400 words letting me know “What you would do with all that extra health-related content?
3. Deadline for entries is tomorrow at 10:00 AM PST (October 7, 2007) - Click here to find out what time it is right now in PST
4. I’m still in Atlanta, so I’ll announce the winner once I’m back home and organized on Tuesday, October 11 and I’ll post the winner on the blog and include instructions on how to claim the prize.
If you know anyone who’d love this prize, please let them know about this week’s giveaway.
By the way, if you'd like to contribute a product for Sweetie Saturday, go here.
I would take all that extra health-related content "to have world peace."
Kidding of course, but my real answer sounds just as cheesy: "To make the world, in a small way, a better place."
You see, I've got a special diet and nutrition domain that I've held on to for years do something special with. I even used it once for a short time but it turned into a dull affiliate review site (Uhg!) and I parked it.
There are so many health sites - and I want to make this site truly valuable and important to others because this subject is very personal to me. I've struggled with weight and other health issues most of my life and I want to help the "world" (of men, women and children, who fight the same battles I do) and give them a super-special resource. Something that stands out and is true "beacon in the night" among the sea of other health sites.
It's funny that you should offer membership to this particular PLR package because I've considered signing up for it in the past. Yep, I've been tempted and I'll be honest...my big reservation was about having duplicate content.
However, you and Mila answered my question in the comments section from the "PLR Update: 5 New Tasty Treats for You!" post on your blog (see: https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=7659527&postID=8009188303649660375 ) and really opened my eyes about how to use PLR content. In fact, I think you should really hammer home this advice in your PLR promotions.
I think this health-related content would give my project the boost that it needs. If you are involved with this content I know it is solid, so I'd like to incorporate it into my vision of a diet and nutrition site that will sincerely help others and as a side benefit, help me keep focused on my own health in the process.
;-) Robert Ragan
In past contests there have been some wonderful entries.
This time, I have to say that I think that mine is the best (drumroll--ba-da-pap...ching).
;-) Robert
I am relatively new to this PLR concept and internet marketing. There are too many offers on the Internet which I do not know whom to trust or to get from. Furthermore, I work on a tight budget. Thus, this offer comes very timely for me.
Currently, I just started to build my very own health web site and I was looking for content.
On the internet, there are many health related web sites but very few sites will stand out to give good information that will truly benefit the readers. I have seen a number of good gurus recommended your PLR site.
Thus, I will like to take opportunity to turn this content to benefit my readers.
I hope that you will give me this opportunity.
Tracy Foo
Whoops - when I make my above drumroll--ba-da-pap...ching comment, I was the ONLY entry.
Humor can backfire on you on the Web. So let the rcord show...
;-) Robert
Hey Robert & Tracy. Thanks for your entries.
Robert - you do, in fact win, because your entry was the only on in time. Sorry, Tracy...since your entry was posted after the deadline, I'll have to give it to Robert.
Robert...go ahead and email Mel at news @ internetmarketingsweetie.com and she'll get you set up. Put "Sweetie Saturday Contest" in the subject line.
;-) Robert
Too bad for me. :-( It is okay. I think I may just go get the product.
Thanks, Alice. :-)
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