Sweetie Saturday Winner: The 5 Original Articles Go to...
On the weekend, I posted a Sweetie Saturday giveaway for 5 Original Ghostwritten articles that resulted in a bunch of interesting perspectives on the use of ghostwriters.
I posted my opinions in the thread, but would like to reiterate and address some of the main concerns people have.
1. They have bad ghostwriter experiences. Whether the writing is bad, the person doesn't complete the work, a bad experience with a ghostwriter seems to keep people from wanting to try again. I guess I can't blame them, but I think it's an obstacle that can be and should be overcome, no matter what bad experiences you may come across in your business. There are always people who misrepresent their talents and integrity...but there are so many more service providers that offer professional and worthwhile services.
2. They will lose their "voice". Many say that part of the success of their business is in the way they communicate with their readers. Absolutely! I don't think hiring a ghostwriter is an excuse to have someone else do the writing and forget about it. Working effectively with a ghostwriter means that you give her as much direction as you possibly can on what you want the finished product to be about. It also means that you go through everything and make adjustments for your voice, opinions and style. Your ghostwriter does the grunt work...you polish it up and make it exactly what you need, leaving you more time to focus on marketing and more profit-producing aspects of your business.
Anyway, if you want to learn more about working with a ghostwriter and overcoming some of the potential pitfalls, Mila and I have in-depth free guide on outsourcing your content. It's completely free and you don't have to sign up for anything to receive it.
So, I'd better announce the winner...
I've yammered on enough...let's get to the business at hand...picking a winner for the giveaway. There were some great responses and I encourage you to read through the comments when you have a chance, but this week's prize goes to Stan of MyOwnEzine.com who has a few creative writing talents of his own. He writes:
"I’ve never had the pleasure of working with a ghostwriter. I have never seen a ghostwriter. Some people say that they can appear in human form or as angels. I would prefer the angel version - to help with writer's block, research, wording, composition, meeting deadlines and choosing appropriate subject material. Some survey somewhere says that nearly a third of the population believes ghostwriters are out there. And, probably one out of every four people say they have seen or felt the presence of a ghostwriter, especially around Halloween. But, who can believe in surveys!
All I know is that I dare not seek out a ghostwriter for fear of losing my meager wealth to those foolish apparitions of self-doubt, greed, failure, dishonesty, and a poor marketing plan. Once I overcome these ghostly apparitions, perhaps I can work with a ghostwriter. By then, however, it may be too late. My market may have succumbed to the brutish howlings of the ogre of competition!"
Guess he knew he's get me with that Hallowe'en theme!
Congrats to Stan. Please email Mel at news @ internetmarketingsweetie.com with "Sweetie Saturday Winner" in the subject line. She'll take good care of ya.
I just found your blog thanks to the new BlogRush video. Quite a marketing tactic, that is. ;-)
At any rate, I found this post interesting. I am a content provider, so seeing what others think of my profession might be useful. I think I'll look up that post you mention to see the comments.
...The fear of the loss of voice strikes me as a bit odd, though, since by definition ghostwriting is writing in the other person's voice.
Welcome Carradee! Well, it's advertising I couldn't have paid for. ;-)
I think part of the problem is that a lot of ghostwriters don't achieve that voice or clients don't really provide enough to help the writer do that.
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