Dr. Mani Cheated, But Since He's a Sweetie Himself...
...I'll take part. In yesterday's Reverse Tough Question Tuesday, Dr. Mani practically held me at gunpoint and demanded that I answer 5 QUESTIONS, instead of the alloted 1 question I requested.
Okay, there were no guns, demands or anything of the start, but I shall participate in the good doctor's meme.
Here are his 5 questions for me:
1. How long have you been blogging?
Just over 3 years. Phew, that question was easy.
2. What inspired you to start a blog and who are your mentors?
Frankly, I was totally confused about the concept of a blog and it was Lynette Chandler that finally made something click in my brain on that hot July day (LOL...actually, I don't remember the weather and since I live in Vancouver it was actually probably rainy). Lynette just has a way of doing that - making these tough tech concepts easy to understand.
As far as mentors question goes, wasn't sure if it was supposed to be specifically for blogging or not, but I think Lynn Terry's blog is pretty rockin'. She's fun, she's informative and she still sells on her blog - the precise combination I'm into.
3. Are You trying to make money online, or just doing it for fun?
I can no longer separate that two. Even when I'm having fun online, I keep thinking, "How can this make money?"
4. Tell me 3 things you LOVE about being online.
Uno: Don't have to leave my house to work. I can leave it to have fun.
Dos: It allows me to work in a medium I am most comfortable with - writing.
Tres: Meeting lots of cool people.
5. Tell me 3 things you STRUGGLE with in the online world.
Uno: Even after all these years (5 years is eons in Internet time!), I sometimes veer from my original course and lose focus.
Dos: Unleashing the technology available to me to its fullest. Yes, I've got Lynette on my side, but sometimes I still find it very overwhelming...imagine if I was without her. :-(
Tres: That darned Warrior Forum. It's really distracting. Too much drama for this mama.
So, now I'm done and it's time to pass the torch with a little game of tag:
- Lynette Chandler - cuz you're an inspirational techy (umm...yes, that appears to be an oxymoron, but not in your case)
- Lynn Terry - cuz your blog just plain old rocks.
- Kelly McCausey - cuz she has another pretty amazing blog groove...but I wish she posted a bit more, so I could find more distractions in my day.
- Jason Moffatt - cuz you dance to your own beat. Plus, many of my readers are women and I though you might like to meet a nice lady marketer. ;-)
- D Hudiburg - cuz he agrees that pandhandlers shouldn't pimp out their kids.
Thanks, Alice - shows how being a sweetie can get you favors, even if you 'cheated'!
Nice answers - nice choices you've tagged. Will follow their response too.
All success
I know exactly what you mean by unable to separate fun and making money online. I have the same thing.
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Ha! I realized that my last comment was posted under my Son's blogger account! Had to log in under the right identity and re-post:
Alright Alice,
I humbly accept my 'assignment' :-)
You did cheat though. LOL. What a smart way to weave the conversation into your 'todo' list!
These are great questions Dr. Mani.
Seems like it might be useful to tag these posts as they propogate through other blogs with some kind of unique tag in Delicious.
I think it would be very cool to follow people's responses by subscribing to a Delicious tag.
Any thoughts?
Ack! She tagged me. Am I ready to reveal all that? Oh Dr. Mani what trouble have you got me in now ;)
Hi Alice,
Lynn here - though I'm "anonymous" because I cant remember my blogger login lol.
Thanks so much for the kind words! I have answered these questions at ClickNewz at http://www.clicknewz.com/1153/happy-birthday-to-heathers-blog/
Great post!
Hey Lynn...as always, you can use the "other" option in the comments and it will allow you to put in your name and URL. Thanks for participating in the meme.
Hi Alice.
I'm the one who "tagged" Dr. Mani.
I'm glad to see the meme going on and on...
Keep it going, Guys.
All the best.
It took me a week but finally answered them. Managed to throw in some juicy scandalous info as well... actually not that juicy or scandalous but sure sounded good.
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