The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

My Friend Andre Has a Big Mouth

Well, since my friend Andre Chaperon told all his subscribers about it before I had a chance to tell my dear blog readers (or my subscribers!)...I'd better catch up. Andre was talking about a big course coming up -- from Frank Kern (mentioned in my last blog entry) & Ed Dale.

He warned his subscribers that they would be receiving a lot of emails about this Underachiever Mastery System -- and many people will be clamoring to get them to buy through their link. And you can expect this to be true. This is a hugely extensive course that teaches people to do online business the right way --- without working too hard or spending too much money.

But there is a problem with the Underachiever course and that's what Andre uncovered in his email to his subscribers today. He said:

"Frank Kern spends about $20,000/month on Overture alone, which helps achieve the $50,000+ he earns each and every month with his 'Underachiever Mastery System'."

Now, that may sound like a lot of money -- but if you can make tens of thousands of dollars in profit in the process -- It makes PERFECT sense to me.

But still, there's a way to get a lot of that traffic for FREE for search engines and you don't have to pay them per click. I know because I do it every single day and I barely work at it (I've always called myself "lazy" in the way I work, but I love Frank & Ed's terminology of "underachiever"....sounds much nicer). I receive traffic from over 20,000 keyword phrases each and every month by doing these simple things. You can imagine what I save in pay-per-click fees with this kind of traffic.

Or better yet -- add the cash Frank earns from using PPCs, plus the FREE traffic I get and your business multiplies immensely.

So, if you want to find out how I'll give you EVERY SINGLE bit of my search engine knowledge without charging you a dime -- and no, this is NOT the techy-geek stuff that you see in most search engine courses -- I'll tell you. This is real honest stuff that will have search engine optimization companies trying to throttle me because it's so simple...yet nobody is telling you about it.

--> Go to Underachiever SEO to find out more.


Blogger Alice said...

Hey Patty & thanks Derrick :)

I would think it takes working smartly. PPPCs are supposed to turn a profit and as it does, you increase your spending to make more profit. Frank DID start from scratch not long ago - he was shut down by the FCC for not having an earnings disclaimer on his site.

You can learn about it at his teleseminar on Tuesday:

But that's my point...many people don't have the money to start --- or fear spending the money. It's amazing how many people are afraid to spend $1 to make $ organic search engine rankings can make the difference for them. And any smart entrepreneur, will use both -- of course!

I hope you'll consider listening in, Patty (& Derrick too!). Frank is so smart and such an incredible teacher -- that you will benefit from listening to him. It doesn't matter how much he spends on Overture, he has the ability to make complex concepts so simple. That's why I love listening to him.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you repeat that, Alice?

S l o w l y ...

I'm taking notes. ;)


NOT Mike Merz

6:43 AM  

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