The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Monday, October 31, 2005

Stats Time - What the Heck?

I haven't done this on my blog in a while, but if you've been a long time reader, you'll know I like to go through my stats to see what pages on my site are popular, what keyword phrases people are entering into search engines to see where I might maximize my marketing. Well, I'm not sharing those revelations (those are my secret!), but I do love to share some of the more humorous keyword phrases people use to find my site.

Here's some for October:

- my humps stupidest song ever - I tend to agree, but I can't help singing along.
- alice seba is single - not anymore!
- john reese traffic secrets buy - Sure...go here.
- alice tech - Uh no...from the girl who just learned to burn CDs this
- alice seba birthday - It's not 'til next year, but feel free to send an expensive gift. :-)
- my humps what does it mean - Hmmm..."my lovely lady the back and in the front."
- moms and a lack of social life - Okay, this isn't funny...but don't let it happen to you. Get out there and have fun. Moms deserve fun too!
- password alice - I can also give you my bank account number and PIN if you'd like.
- explanation of movie stay - Apparently, Roger Ebert has the answer, but I still feel that's a load of hooey.
- who wrote my humps - wasn't me.
- can you give me the toddler newsletter for november - Sorry, no.
- girls tight jeans pictures - Okay...weird.
- steps to admitting you have problem - What the heck is that supposed to mean?
- 80s rocker girl - Actually, I was!
- will you put me on google - Although it was rumored that I am dating one of the owners of Google, it is simply not true and I cannot help you with this.
- first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem - This again? I'm getting a complex.
- teach me bookkeping free - Never ever ask me to help you with math. You'll be in big trouble.
- alice s big mouth - Whatever! I can keep a secret.
- matt gallant pics - Wowee, you stud Matt!
- slouch socks gallery - That's just kind of sick.
- millionaire boy - I am neither a boy, nor a millionaire.
- admitting you have a problem - Okay, okay! I have a problem!
- john reese is alice seba - How many times do I have to say that I am just way better looking than that guy!
- seminar junkie - Am not!
- лучший компилятор ebook - Huh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I needed a good laugh Alice! Thanks! And Doug...oh my goodness... good to know!!!


12:44 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

OMG Alice that was such a good laugh!! Thanks, lol.

I just have one kinda stupid question.... what's an 8os rocker girl?

And great lesson one watching your stats too doug :).


12:57 PM  
Blogger Vera said...

Alice, That is just too funny! I seriously laughed over these. And yes I was an '80s Rocker Girl too, love the feathered hair. lol. And also what a great conspiracy, are you really John Reese?

9:52 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

Yeah, Doug when you have sites about mothers and young children it is unfortunately very shocking to see what people search for. Makes me kind of sick.

Angela and 80s rocker girl would have big feathered hair, tight pants, high top runners and stuff like that. She'd probably listen to Motley Crue, Poison and bands like that. :-)

Vera - You've met me in person. What do you think? Hee hee.

10:56 PM  

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