Who's This Michael Lee Austin?

Hmmmm...this guy looks familiar. Couldn't be one of my favorite marketing teachers, Armand Morin, could it?
Not only is Mr. Morin...err...Austin...a great marketer, he's also a very talented country singer. Now, country is definitely not my thing, but I think I can spot talent when I see it. Last April, he treated us to a performance at the BigSeminar. I stayed for the whole entire thing, but when he was done and they started playing other country music, I politely excused myself from the room. ;-)
Anyway, you can learn the full story behind this Michael Lee and watch a brilliant video put together by Armand. Geez...I still have trouble making my web cam work.
I'm still in shock, Alice!
Gosh, I'm always the last to know these things :p
~ Lynn
I never knew he had a twin, at first I thought it was him but I found on Amazon via the photos it was his twin. Either way this is really cool!
It really is Armand, unless he has a twin that is ALSO a talented country singer. :-) I'm thinking that they might have said this, just to keep his identity's separate.
He's no Clint Black or Tim McGraw, but pretty good for an internet marketer ;)
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