The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Google Getting a Bit of Flack…Is It Really Worth Worrying About?

I was browsing over at today and I found this post titled ‘How Google Killed Affiliate Marketing.’

It piqued my interest just a bit, so I took a look. It started out talking about eBay’s buy out of the StumbleUpon toolbar company and how within 24 hours Google had created a new toolbar add-in that recommends sites to Internet searchers based on their search habits.

Interesting enough so I kept reading and after I finished I came to the following conclusion:

Are these things really worth worrying about?

Small businesses can always thrive. Software companies thrive, despite the fact that many think companies like Microsoft are taking over the world. Living in fear about who is taking away from your business or may swallow you whole weakens you.

Instead, focus your energy on continuing to do what works. Keep growing and working towards dominating your own target market. There may always be bigger players, but that doesn't mean there aren’t plenty of pieces of pie for the rest of us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I Agree, but personally I'm a BIG FAN of Apple Pie! Can I have A Piece Alice, Pretty Please?!! Are you Sure?!!You could say I'm as American as Apple Pie!
I definitely Want a Piece A The Pie! "But Something touched ME Deep Inside. The day the Music Died; Singin', Bye, Bye Ms American Pie, drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry, Them good ol' boys (and Affiliate Marketers)were drinkin whiskey and rye, Signin, This'll be the day that I die, This'll be the day that I die!"

12:22 PM  

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