The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Friday, August 6, 2004

I've Got the Techno-Blues : No Battery, No Server, No Service

So, I wake up to find my batter or my charger for my laptop doesn't work anymore. It's too early around here to go to the store and remedy the I decide to load up my desktop. Of course, none of the MANY emails I have to respond to are on the desktop, so I'm a little stressed about the situation. Plus, "Outlook", which has become my personal assistant has my list of things to do today (and there are a LOT of things to do) cannot be accessed.

Hmmmm....why didn't get the hubby to help me set up the network, so I could access my laptop from here? Now, I have no direction and I don't know what to do. :(

So, I think...okay...while I wait for the store to open, I'll catch up on my message boards, upload some new pages and get a few administrative details done. FORGET IT! My VPS (Virtual Private Server) is down and it contains many of my website. My host, Servint says there is some emergency maintenance and it will be up soon. They say, I can also check on the forums after to find out exactly what happened, so I do appreciate the service and openness of my host....but I want my server NOW!

Look at this, I'm so lost that this is all I can think of to post my blog. We are truly slaves to technology aren't we? I can't spell anymore without a spellcheck on my computer and I can't do math without a calculator. Now, I can't even think because a few things don't work.

Have you experienced this?


Blogger Ladybug Dawn said...

Oh boy don't I know it. My files get backed up and old files deleted when my cable connection goes out (which isn't often, but still in the few hours it's down I'm LOST) and I can't be online. If the lights go out because of storm and I have no computer at all, I pace and clean the entire house!

5:48 AM  
Anonymous DedicatedHosting4u said...

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11:51 PM  

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