The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Outsourcing Brainstorming

Well, I've done some more thinking about outsourcing. My first plan is already set in motion and has to do with the Internet Marketing product review requests I have been so backlogged on.

I receive quite a few requests for people to have their products reviewed and I actually like doing the reviews, but I can never seem to get the time to do them all. I really hate disappointing the product owners when I have good intentions to review the products quickly, but sometimes it takes me FOREVER. :(

Well, I was thinking of getting an Admin-type person to help me with this, but wasn't sure that was the best fit. Then a good online friend of mine just happens to pop me an email about something TOTALLY unrelated and I had a sudden epiphany. This person also does Internet marketing product reviews and may need more products to review.

So, I ask him if he would manage the correspondence and provide me a point form review of the various products. In return, he gets free product and the ability to write his own reviews for his own website. What an awesome fit and a terrific solution to my problem...and beneficial for him too. He wrote back and said yes...and really, I should be emailing him the details, instead of sitting here and yapping about it. But I thought I'd share the story. I think it illustrates the need for creative thinking, but even more it shows the importance of building online relationships.

Thanks my friend! It's past my bedtime, but I'll email you all the details in the morning.


Blogger Lynette said...

I wish I'd had kept up with you a bit more on this. I've started 'blog-reviewing' software and scripts for business/commercial applications over at BizDome. Though I don't do Internet Marketing tools and books, there is some overlap. Well... if anyone ever gets swamped again let me know! Techie stuff always welcome! L0L

2:23 AM  

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