The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Wanna Direct Response? Make a Direct Response Sales Letter

You know, everyone complains about those long scrolling sales letters and I have done my share of complaining in the past. But the fact is...these letters work and I have used them for my products with great success.

Well, today I had my own experience with a "traditional" website that was selling a single product and had a bunch of different pages on it. I got really frustrated because I had to HUNT for the information I was looking for. So, I left the website without buying even though I had my credit card ready and in hand. Call me your typical, lazy and "anti-clicking" website visitor. :(

Now, someone could argue that the website just wasn't set up properly...but I don't know. If you don't lay out all the information for the people in one place, you just aren't going to get that "DIRECT RESPONSE" you are looking for. In a sales give it all to visitors and they can take it or leave it. And I'm willing to bet they'll take it more often than they will on a traditional website.

I have always appreciated what a sales letter can do for my busines...but now, I can also appreciate what it does for me as a consumer. So, what about you? Do you love or hate the sales letter?


Blogger DJ Dave Bernstein, your BlogDJ said...

If something interests me, I love to read it. Could be a blog, could be a sales letter, could be the ingredients on a pickle jar (OK, maybe not the last one).
Therefore, if written well, the long sales letter wins everytime. Broken-up pages work best on Amazon.
Now, as a side thought, there have been times where I have had credit card in hand, and the sales letter actually talked me out of the product, with either too much (or little) pertinent info. Nice rule of thumb - the more expensive the product, the more you better darn well inform (i.e. John Reese's "Encyclopedia Brittanica" sales letter for Traffic Secrets. - Dave

7:59 PM  

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