The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Do You Make Offers to Your Customers?

It still suprises me that many people use PayPal buttons to sell products and then never collect customer contact information into a database. Or worse yet, there are people who have a system in place to contact their customers and make them offers, but never do.

Once a customer has purchased from you and is happy with your product, the chances they will purchase from you again are HUGE. Here's an experiment from today:

- Emailed customer list an offer for a complentary product to what they already purchased.
- It has only be about 8 hours since that offer, but over 31% have clicked through to check out the offer.
- 27% the clicked through actually purchased.

Those are great numbers and more than can usually be expected from a simple opt-in list or newsletter. And remember, only a few hours have passed and we can still follow-up with another email to reach anyone who missed the first email. We can also make similar offers in the future.

Sometimes we focus so heavily on our opt-in list and forget about those who have already shown us that they want to buy our stuff. I like people who buy my stuff. :-)


Blogger Jackz said...

I was one of the ones you sent an offer, and yes I did click through. I did not purchase, but was very interested, and thought I would think about it for a few days.

Probably I will forget about it - or get bombarded by other offers so as not to go back to it.

Therefore, I would suggest a follow up email a day or two later to catch the ones who didn't purchase originally.

I definitely agree not enough (me included) do not aquire and use a list effectively.

Thanks Alice

9:14 AM  
Blogger Fione Tan - said...

Hi Alice,

Right on the point. Make people just think of how to sell to more customers, but have often forgotten what they can do to increase sales without any new customers, that is via selling to their customers database.

I've had many instances of customers coming back to our company, even after 1 whole year later for internet marketing programs of over US$2,000 at
- however, i also have to admit that i have at times, overlooked such basic sales strategies at times too.

Of course, the response rates would definitely be better when sending to a customer that has already had some previous dealings with your firm.


2:21 AM  

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