The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Friday, February 23, 2007

Hurry You Need 10X Your Normal Income. What Would You Do?

While browsing the IM News Watch site I came across an article titled Get Thinking by Leo Quinn and it got me thinking about something. That was the point after all with a title like that right?

In the article Leo asked his readers to think about what they would do if suddenly they needed to do 10 times the things they are doing now.

As an online business owner I have to say if I were ever in the situation that I needed to make 10 times the amount I am now, I would be even happier than I already am, that I do what I do for a living. I have control over how much I make and though, it would be a lot of work, I truly believe it could be done. All I need is a bit of brain time to come up with ideas and then I would just have to implement those ideas.

It’s really hard for someone working a 9-5 job to say that. They don’t have control over their income, someone else does. Therefore if they found out they needed to make more money and fast, the thought of going to their boss and asking for a raise of 10 times their current salary probably would never even cross their mind. Not too mention if it did, what are the odds that they would get it?

I’m curious as to what you have to say about this topic. What would you do if you were faced with the fact that you needed 10X the income you are currently pulling in?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I DO need 10X what I'm making right now...probably more actually.

But the thought of that is so overwhelming for me, that it actually makes me want to avoid the computer altogether.

Maybe I just need to change my train of thought, but so far, knowing that I need more money isn't actually motivating me for some reason.

12:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

fortunately like you, I am in control of my income with my own business I would have to sell more products and if I had to, I know that I could

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree, Alice. I love being in control of how much money I make. My husband once told me, as an entrepreneur "you hire yourself, you fire yourself" and if you're not making the kind of money you need, you need to seriously consider whether you should be fired. If I needed to make more, then it is time to hit the sales trail...sell more product, book more work, offer my services to everyone I know and meet.

12:39 PM  

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