The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Summer Slowdown Myth

It’s a little late, given it’s already August, but I often hear of people talking about the summer slow down when it comes to online business. And I recently had this discussion at Mom Masterminds, so I thought I’d bring it up.

If you face a slow down, you need to ask yourself if it’s your market or you who is slowing down? If you want your business to continue to grow during the summer months, you have to take the reins and keep pushing forward with your efforts. I honestly think a slow down in any non-seasonal business has a lot to do with the amount of time and focus you put into it. Whether that means you need to work more or you need to hire assistants to help keep the pace going, the bottom line is if you slow down, your business will more than likely do the same.

Of course, if you’re business is an online American-based winter sports equipment store, it stands to reason that you’d face a summer slow down. If you’re in a market like that, what can you do to add new products or promotions to keep things steady?

Many people who face a slow down in Summer come to the conclusion, “People just aren’t on the Internet as much in Summer.” I see no evidence to indicate that. And Google’s quarterly stats from 2006 certainly don’t show that either. More and more people are coming online ALL the time.

Every business has times when we slow down a bit, just like we have months when we soar, but it doesn’t have to be slow just because it’s summer. What do you do to keep business moving in the right direction during summer months?


Blogger Kelly said...

I totally agree with you Alice. I do not experience a summer slow down because I just refuse to accept that business has to drag in the summer months. I purposefully do things to keep momentum and even create it!

When fall does roll around, I find that I can relax because my summer efforts pay off so well that I cruise into autumn like a downhill ride in a red flyer wagon ;)

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Kelly...your similes are awesome!

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am doing more than ever during the summer months but have seen a major drop in income this month alone. I sure hope my work pays off in the Fall. So now I'm wondering what my specific problem is? :)

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Petite Mommy, want to share more about what you've been doing, who you're marketing to, etc? Even though I know some of what you do, it'd be tough to give any specific thoughts without specific details.

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alice,
I'm marketing to moms who like contests and/or free stuff for CFM as you know. I'm really trying to figure out where I want to go with this site ultimately. For my other sites and blogs my focus is basically the same-moms,parents, family,baby, toddlers,etc. I'm not seeing a drop in traffic just a drop in income :( This month alone there was a 40% decrease. Yikes!

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try reaching a new audience in your target market too...there are moms online all the time, all year round. Just one idea.

12:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness, there's a lot to consider when starting an online business, isn't there? Whew! I'm so glad I have places like this to come and learn, though, so I won't be caught off guard.

7:22 AM  

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