The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Sunday, August 15, 2004

$300 Scholarship for Women's Web Workshop

I'm gearing up to go to the Women's Web Workshop September 10-12, 2004 in Denver Colorado. This is going to be a great little trip because the hubby and the kids are coming along and I'm also bringing --- for free --- a member of Mom I'll certainly be in good company.

The Women's Web Workshop is your opportunity to learn from some great women in Internet business, all in an easy-to-understand and hands-on environment. If you have been to other marketing seminars, you know you often sit in a crowded room and someone at the front tells you about how to run your business. There's little to no interaction and you don't get a chance to fully understand the concepts presented.

If you're like me, that's just not good enough. When I was at the Publishing Profits Seminar in June, I learned tons. I'm not going to lie to you; it was a great seminar. I'm still busy applying all I learned and my money was well spent.

Still, every time a speaker was presenting his topic, there was no opportunity for interactive learning. I kept putting my hand up to ask questions, but I was told to put my hand down and that a few questions would be allowed at the end of the seminar.

To me...that's the way seminar speakers can increase their backend sales by selling their products, but that's not the optimum way for me or you to learn. The Women's Web Workshop is different and I can't wait to meet you there. You can get all the details at Women's Web Workshop - I've even arranged for a $300 scholarship for you at that link. :)


Blogger Alice said...

You're most welcome, Rae. I got off my butt to contribute when Lynn wrote about your efforts in her newsletter.

Yes, I know what you mean...the 'net is huge and the "circles" are small. You can see the same people over and over again, but then you'll stumble upon someone you've never heard of before.

I'm looking forward to it. I have nothing to do with organizing it, I was just invited to come (and plug my products :) ) in return for telling people about the workshop.

10:59 PM  

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