The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Friday, October 1, 2004

Woohoo! Michael Wong Makes a Big Splash on GuruDAQ

In case you weren't aware, there is a site called GuruDAQ that ranks "Internet Marketing Gurus" in a type of stock market format. And don't laugh at me for the way I explain this...because I know nothing about the stock market.

I have to be honest, I don't know many of the people listed on the GuruDAQ because *traditionally*, I'm not a "guru-chaser". Of course, in the past few months I've become more aware of this "guru culture" (for lack of better term) and I've come across some very valuable resources in "guru-land". Still, what impresses me the most is when someone is quietly making GOOD money online and doesn't demand any recognition for it.

That's why I was so excited to see my good friend, Michael Wong, added to the GuruDAQ. This guy doesn't seek out fame..nor does he send out emails to his list every couple of days (in fact --- I don't think he even has a list!). But what's most exciting about this is that Michael is already climbing the ranks and is already the number 23 guru listed (and happens to have had the biggest gain for today). So, if Michael can make it to 23 in just a few days...he'll be kicking all the "big dog's" butts in no time. ;)


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