It Was Cold and Dark at 7 AM :(
Last night I was reminded of just how grateful I am to work from home and be close to my kids.
Here's what happened. My boys were actually staying at their Dad's overnight and I had to pick them up by 7:30 AM, so he could go to work (Ha ha!). So, first thing I did before I went to bed is try to set my alarm clock. I had NO IDEA how to do this. I played with the darned thing for like 20 minutes and then I finally got it.
But then, all night, I was tossing and turning...just like I used to when I had to go to a job outside the home in the morning. I kept worrying, "Is the alarm on?" -- or --- "Is it 7 AM already?" and I kept looking at the clock all night. It sucked!
Anyway, 7 AM eventually came and I got up. I could barely walk after that restless sleep (and don't get me wrong, my little boys wake me up by this hour often...but this was just very different!), but I managed to stumble around and get dressed. Then, I had to go the car in the DARK and in the COLD and drive to pick up the boys. It brought back really spooky memories of going to the workplace and suddenly, I felt so thankful.
I was so glad that I wasn't REALLY driving to a job, but picking up my sweet (well -- uh most of the time) little boys. And I'm even more glad that 2005 will bring more of the same. Working in my pajamas and hanging out with my kids.
I hope that as this year, comes to end, you'll also think about the blessings in your life and make plans for an even greater year. I can't wait!