The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Friday, December 31, 2004

It Was Cold and Dark at 7 AM :(

I just want to stop in to wish you all the best for 2005! Whether you're just getting started in your business, have been plugging at it for a while or are ultra-successful already, it's great to know that as an entrepreneur things can just get better and better all the time. That just doesn't always happen when you have a dreaded J-O-B.

Last night I was reminded of just how grateful I am to work from home and be close to my kids.

Here's what happened. My boys were actually staying at their Dad's overnight and I had to pick them up by 7:30 AM, so he could go to work (Ha ha!). So, first thing I did before I went to bed is try to set my alarm clock. I had NO IDEA how to do this. I played with the darned thing for like 20 minutes and then I finally got it.

But then, all night, I was tossing and turning...just like I used to when I had to go to a job outside the home in the morning. I kept worrying, "Is the alarm on?" -- or --- "Is it 7 AM already?" and I kept looking at the clock all night. It sucked!

Anyway, 7 AM eventually came and I got up. I could barely walk after that restless sleep (and don't get me wrong, my little boys wake me up by this hour often...but this was just very different!), but I managed to stumble around and get dressed. Then, I had to go the car in the DARK and in the COLD and drive to pick up the boys. It brought back really spooky memories of going to the workplace and suddenly, I felt so thankful.

I was so glad that I wasn't REALLY driving to a job, but picking up my sweet (well -- uh most of the time) little boys. And I'm even more glad that 2005 will bring more of the same. Working in my pajamas and hanging out with my kids.

I hope that as this year, comes to end, you'll also think about the blessings in your life and make plans for an even greater year. I can't wait!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The Next Mozart of Internet Marketing?

That's my 3 year-old, Malcolm. Yeah -- I'm a proud mama, so I automatically think he's brilliant, but bare with me...especially if you have kids.

Some of Malcolm's first words included "website", "Google", "eBay", "Based Moms" (not sure why he couldn't get the "Internet" in front of the "Based Moms"). And he would recognize them all by sight. I guess being obsessed with the Internet is actually in the genes. Who woulda thought?

But seriously, I've always answered Malcolm's questions about what I'm doing on the computer without speaking "kid talk" -- I just tell him plain and simple what I'm doing and even if he doesn't grasp it all, he has some interest and asks more questions. And then I answer them.

Now, today he and I were "researching" a new market for a website I'm (we are!) starting. I was excited to find this market because it's a subject that is of interest to Malcolm (so we can learn stuff together) and I see plenty of profit potential in it. We were reading through some magazines on the topic...and...

He's looking at the pictures and asking questions.

I'm looking at the ads and seeing what people are selling to this market.

Then, he asks me, "Mommy, what are we going to sell on this website?"

I didn't tell him anything about selling. I just simply said we were going to do a site on X topic and he was excited. But he has made the connection and I was amazed at his young age. And then I remembered, that Mozart was composing at the age of 5, so who's to say what the young mind is capable of understanding and executing?

So, if you have you talk about what you're working on or do you just tell them not to disturb you?

Just like the Internet offers such an incredible opportunity for parents to stay home with our kids --- the Internet is an incredible opportunity for our kids when it comes to learning about entrepreneurship. No more lemonade stands for these savvy kids, they can be building dot-com empires. ;)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Happy Holidays -- That's All ;)

Well, it's already December 21. I just made my first attempt at Christmas shopping TODAY, but I'm almost done. Hopefully, you're a little more organized than I. Speaking of organization -- that is my big goal -- errr "resolution" --- for 2005. I'll share more on that later, when I'm a bit more organized to tell you. Ha ha!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all the best for the holidays and know that 2005 will be an AWESOME year for you. I look forward to bringing my silly bits of "wisdom" (for lack of a better word!) to you all year long. ;)

Saturday, December 18, 2004

The Millionaire Boy's Club - Everything Else is Crap

We've all heard it before, "You shouldn't sell Internet marketing products if you don't make a lot of money doing Internet marketing in other non-Internet Marketing markets." (does that sentence make sense?! LOL)

I understand the point. To effectively teach someone something, you should have a good working knowledge of what you are talking about. There was a recent discussion on the Marketing Secrets forum entitled: Internet Marketing & Make Money Products vs Niche Market on this very topic and the replies are quite interesting and varied (just ignore where I got off-topic with talking parrots!).

BUT here's a few thoughts:

- There are many Internet millionaires who don't know much about the nitty gritty details about online business. Of course, these are still brilliant people who know how to leverage the resources and the brain power of others. They just pay someone else to do the work. I wouldn't want to learn how to start an Adwords campaign from someone just cuz he's sold a dumptruck load of products on the net -- yet, he hired someone to do his Adwords campaign. I want to learn from the "web monkey" who was paid a few bucks to set up the campaign.

- Most people who want to do business online do not strive to be millionaires. And this is something that a LOT of people -- "the big dogs" and those who strive to be "big dogs" -- don't get. Let's be real...most people are just trying to find a way out of the rat race and they aren't motivated by "get filthy rich" attitude.

Mentors come in all shapes and sizes and Internet business hopefuls can decide who their inspiration should be.

Sucess is measured in all different ways and it means something different to all of us.

So, who should sell Internet marketing products? I dunno...what do you think?

Monday, December 13, 2004

Hey...More Free Stuff...Improve Your Conversion Rate

It seems like everyone wants to give stuff away for free...must be the spirit of the holidays! Okay, yes...they want to give you stuff free, so you'll eventually bu...but I'm sure we can still appreciate a gift when we're given one. :) I'm super excited about this particular offer from my buddy, Michel Fortin.

If you don't know who Michel is, he is an AWESOME copywriter. He is often called the "copywriter's copywriter" -- which means other copywriters actually hire him to do their copy. Why would an expert go to someone else to write their copy? Well, because he's that good!

What's really impressive about Michel is all the testing he does and PROOF he has that what he's doing really works. I've been a member of Michel's Copy Doctor membership site for a couple months now and it's been an incredible learning experience.

Each month, Michel adds new videos that show him critiquing and reworking sales letters. It's like looking over his shoulders as he works -- and that's a rare opportunity. If you need to improve your conversion rates or are just starting to look into direct marketing sales letters (what took you so long?! hee hee)...then take Michel up on his free trial membership offer.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

A Gift to Make 2005 Even Better

The holidays are coming and I hope that you're all doing well and looking forward to a very bright and successful 2005.

As you know, I got to visit the Internet Marketing Center a couple weeks back and now Chris has told me that Corey Rudl is giving away $0 Memberships to his "Secrets To Their Success" Private Web Site so that you can now see for discover the exact step-by-step mom & pop businesses have personally used to generate amazing profits.

To get your free trial membership, you have to use the link below. You'll have to pay cold-hard cash if you go to the main link:

Secrets to Their Success $0 Membership
