The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Monday, February 28, 2005

Leaving the Rat Race

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Not just the 9 to 5 world that we commonly refer to as the "rat race"...but also the rat race of building an online business.

I started thinking about it last month when I kept getting referrals to my site with people searching for information on what happened to Michael Wong ("Mike's Marketing Tools"). I thought it was strange that people wondered what happened to him because he's doing just fine and still makes his living online. He got married last year and is cutting out the crazy hours and such. We all need our priorities and once an Internet business is running smoothly and in place, we can all leave this crazy rat race.

I promise!

I also realized that, in the past couple weeks (right after my CD burning fiasco), that I have finally left the rat race. I'm not talking about income levels here -- because I will never object to earning a bit more money. I'm talking about the amount of work required to maintain those income levels.

It has been my goal since I quit my copywriting business last year to achieve enough streams of passive and residual income that I can sit on my duff, watch soap operas and eat bon bons all day. Okay, I don't watch soaps and don't eat too many bon bons, but you get the point. Everything is in place for me now, I just need to maintain and of course, constantly improve the systems I have going.

Here's a few tips for your exit out of the rat race:

- Find as many sources of residual income as you possibly can (But don't try to do it all at once! Get one going and then find another). Whether it's setting up your own membership site or being an affiliate for a hosting company that pays month after month.

- Whether you sell your own products or not, incorporate affiliate marketing into your business plan. You can't possibly have all the products your customers, visitors and prospects need. Recommend other people's products as appropriate.

- Get other people to do the dirty work for you. Outsource as much of your business as you can. Early in my relatively short online business career, I almost gave myself an ulcer because I was doing way too much. I learned very quickly that I couldn't do it all myself. In fact, when I gave people the stuff I hate to do (answer email, make pretty spreadsheets, do research and write content on topics I know nothing about)...I started to make more money. Yes, I spent money on hiring these people, but the result was my being more focused on my marketing and doing what I needed to put my passive income systems into place.

- If you have a service-based business that requires you to put in the hours for you to get paid, consider outsourcing as much of this work as possible. If you are "trading hours for dollars" as they say, there is always a ceiling to your income (there are only so many hours in the day) and the possibility of leaving the rat race are pretty minimal.

Anyway, just a few thoughts. If there is anyone else as passionate about passive income as me, it's my friend, Lynn Terry. She's currently working on The Passive Income Guide for Online Business and is sharing tidbits along the way. Be sure to drop by and sign up for her update list. She has some great things coming.

Friday, February 25, 2005

The Alice FAQ - Would Anyone Pay for This Stuff?

Maybe...maybe not. But it doesn't matter anyway, I'm going to give it away for free.

If you're a subscriber to my Internet Marketing Prescriptions newsletter, you know that I give you an opportunity to submit Internet Business questions...and I try to answer them in the newsletter. Well, I fell so behind, but I got so many great questions on everything from:

  • Starting from scratch - where to begin
  • Finding your target market
  • Building traffic
  • Increasing sales
  • and tons more

...that I thought, I'd better answer these questions. So, I'm working on The Alice FAQ and you'll only have access to it if you're a subscriber. It is going to be a very comprehensive overview of doing business online. But just one warning - The Alice FAQ is totally from my perspective - the single mom supporting her family solely from her online business earnings. I'm short on time and sometimes I'm short on patience, but I still try to be nice. I may say things you might not like, might not believe or downright disagree enter at your own risk.

I expect the FAQ to be ready in the next few weeks, so sign up for the newsletter now (see the sign up box at the top right?). One day after you subscribe, you'll get access to submit a question for the FAQ and then you'll be alerted when it's ready.

And for the millionth time - NO MATH QUESTIONS, PLEASE!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Almost Famous - On the PodCast Radio Show

I had fun this afternoon in the "Green Room" on the PodCast Radio Show. Funny thing...I know very little about podcasting, but they invited me anyway. ;) Be sure to listen in -- Tony Marino is quite a funny guy. You can hear all kinds of info on podcasting and a little bit from me on marketing.

--> Listen to me and learn more about podcasting on the PodCast Radio Show.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Crazy Ways People Find My Blog

I was just taking a quick look at my referral stats for this blog and here's a few odd search phrases that people used to find my blog. I thought you might get a chuckle out of these:

> "cold and dark" - I'm not am I, really?
> "how to increase your brain power" - Oh, I'm not sure if I can help with that.
> "laughter" - Hey, that's cool. I like to laugh.
> "alice internet" - Aha! It really was me that invented it!
> "moms gone crazy" - Hey, what is that supposed to mean?
> "seba tumor" - Hmmmm...not sure how to take that.
> "i want a horse but my mom said that they are too much money" - That's what my mom told me too!
> "who is alice seba" - That would be me!
> "important women" - Hey thanks. :)
> "say no to the internet" - Sometimes, it's hard, isn't it?
> "everything else is crap" - Besides my blog, right?
> "andre has a big mouth" - I couldn't agree more.

Well, that's just a few of the crazy things. It's amazing what people search for to find you. ;)

Monday, February 14, 2005

Unhappy Valentine's Day

Ha ha! I'm just kidding. When I woke up this morning, I received a ton of "marketing emails" wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day, so I didn't want to sound like everyone else.

But seriously, I hope you have a great day and your sweetie treats you like a real sweetie. If you don't have a sweetie (I'm with you -- this is my first solo Valentine's in a decade!), do something nice for a friend...and still have fun with the day.
All right...I'm still busy, busy, busy here...that's why I've been so quiet. I'd better get back to work and we'll chat soon, k?
In the meantime, click here for more thoughts on friends, online business & life.

Wednesday, February 9, 2005

If I'm an Underachiever, Why The Heck Did I Do This?

What was I thinking? This self-proclaimed lazy marketer just made one of the biggest mistakes EVER by trying to be a bigshot and do it all herself. :(

Long before I heard of Frank Kern & Ed Dale, I subscribed to the idea of being an Underachiever...and getting other people to do the hard work. Of course, their Underachiever Mastery System is much more than just being "lazy", but it's this principle that first attracted me to their course.

So, if I'm lazy and I like to get other people to do the hard work for me...why the heck did I decide that I'd burn the CDs and get my binders together for not only my Underachiever bonuses, but my Marketing to Moms in Business course too? The bonuses have 8 CDs and the Marketing to Moms course has a whopping 11 doesn't take long to add up to a heckuvalotof CDs.

So, I've been spending my days and nights...burning, burning, burning. What a pain in the rear end, especially when I could be doing things that would actually be making me MONEY or geez, I could be studying my Underachiever Mastery course -- but there's no time for that right now! I've looked at some of the product fulfillment centers out there and not only would they put it together faster than me, they can do it CHEAPER than me.

ARGH! Ah well, lesson learned and I hope that you don't make the same mistake too. :(

A few friends have given me recommendations on fulfillment centers, but feel free to post yours in the comments area too.