2005 has definitely been an a great year - personally and professionally. My business has grown by leaps and bounds and I've also rediscovered a lot of things about myself that got lost in the past 3 years slaving over my computer. If you're slaving now...and slaving smartly...there is light at the end of the tunnel. I promise!
Anyway, business is going good. I'm not filthy rich and couldn't live off my life savings, but I'm already working on my semi-retirement plan. Over the past few weeks, I finally realized that I was spending more time on the computer than I actually needed to (could you be guilty of this as well?). I have devised a new schedule for myself that will have me working about 10-12 hours per week (or less, if I feel like it) and still GROW my business.
That's the beauty of it...I'm going to cut back how much I work, but I am not limiting my income potential. On the contrary, I'm increasing it. I've shared in the past that when I work less, I'm more focussed and I tend to get more done. I know others experience the same thing and I bet you would find the same.
Accomplishing this has been a combination of building passive income and having other people do the hard work for me, while I just oversee everything. I've been outsourcing a lot of work for over 3 years now...but now I'm increasing the amount of help I'm getting and really getting things systematized. This is going to be a major overhaul for my business and my life.
I've put together some useful tips for you in the FAQ and if you haven't checked them out, I encourage you to now:
How to Outsource on a Budgethttp://aliceseba.com/faq/content/view/59/1/How to Work on with an Assistant
http://aliceseba.com/faq/content/view/61/1/and I'll add more tips and suggestions as I go along.
I've told a few people of my plans and they asked me if I will continue with my blog and projects like InternetBasedMoms.com. Absolutely! This is what I love most about my business - sharing ideas and things that have worked fro me - and in that 10-12 hour schedule, I've included plenty of time to work on my newsletters and add to the FAQ. So you can expect to hear a LOT more from me. ;-)