The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Remember This?

Remember, when my kitchen counter looked like this?

Well, just about an hour and a half's work (on my part) and I have finally caught up 7 months of bookkeeping and paperwork. Now, my kitchen counter looks like this:

Phew! This is a load off my mind and has given me more focus on the things I need to do. You know when you have this daunting task hanging over your head, you tend to procrastinate about everything? I know when I was in university and needed to study, I'd have sense this overwhelming need clean and I'd get nothing done. Well, with the paperwork hanging over my head, I wasted a lot of time doing things I didn't need to be doing and creating "busy work" for myself. Well, it's done and now I have a bookkeeping "secret weapon".

And that secret weapon is Raquel Morphy of Raquel Morphy Business Solutions. It only took me an hour and half to sort the papers and ship them off to my virtual bookkeeper is handling all the details...because as you may already know, I hate math and should not be trusted with numbers. ;-)

I think we all need to find the things we're good at and leave the other things to more qualified people. In my last entry about my "bookkeeping shame", a couple people asked if my bookkeeper was taking more clients. Raquel gave me the green light to send a few referrals her way, so feel free to tell her I sent you. Her website is located at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice going, Alice. Thanks for exposing your secret weapon.

8:29 AM  

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