It doesn't matter what market you're in, if you have a popular website or a big mailing list, people want you to promote their products. Or perhaps, you've been on the other side of the coin - you have a product that you want others to promote.
If you've sent out a ton of emails and received a minimal response, it's not surprising. We are all overwhelmed by email and it's so easy to delete a message if it doesn't get our attention right away and it's coming from someone we never heard of before.
Last week, I got a letter in my snail mail from a gentleman by the name of Mark Huber. He's a Certified Financial Planner here in Canada and he wrote to me and said:
Dear Alice:
I am writing to say "thank you" for creating valuable information and products to help individuals make a difference in their lives and the lives of their families.
As we are nearly "neighbors" with you being in Surrey and I am in Richmond, I am delighted to see you making real and positive impacts in my client's lives.
In my ongoing efforts to expand my influence, gain exposure and to dominate a very Canadian niche, I have been listening and learning as one of your email subscribers for some time now.
Due to much that I have learned through you and by hearing about and applying the various ideas and strategies you share, I have a much more successful marketing strategy for my business and also gained the confidence to write my first book.
I have recently authored, "How to Use Your Mortgage to Create Your Dream Life". (A Canadian Blueprint for Financial Success)
This book dares to question the conventional wisdom on mortgages and personal finance that most people and many in the financial services industry accept.
It is currently available for free downloading at:
XXXX Link Removed As It Is Under Construction XXXX
Like most Canadians, I am sure that you realize that mortage interest on your home is not tax deductible. My book details the steps necessary to not only create tax deductablity of mortgage interest but also create an ongoing and increasing investment portfolio.
There is a bonus section for busines owners as well.
That being said, I am writing to you in the spirit of "give to get".
I would pleased and honored if you offered this valuable information to your subscriber list either as a review or download option.
.... Thank you for your time and consideration.I look forward to your reply.Sincerely,Mark HuberP.S. I have taken the liberty of including both a "hard copy" and a burned copy" for your viewing pleasure.Okay, so why am I so impressed with a letter promoting information about mortages - which is a topic that really has nothing to do with my list or website? Well, because the letter was so well done and his book has everything to do with creating money (which IS something I do talk about frequently), I took notice.
Here's what got my attention:
1. He snail mailed me. Most emails are skimmed before they are deleted. If I get something in my snail mail, I'm more likely to read the entire thing. However, just snail mailing isn't enough to get a response...
2. Right off the bat, he complimented me
specifically on the work that I do. He didn't suck up too hard, but specifically mentioned a number of things he appreciated about me throughout the letter. He also hit my hot buttons by talking about how I help families and helping people gain confidience to take action in their businesses.
3. He created an affinity with me. I have never met him before in my life, so the cards were stacked against him. With so many requests for help, I can't possibly respond to them all. It's often easier to help those that I already know. But Mark quickly established that I am his "neighbor" and really, he's only about a 15 minute drive from here. The brilliant thing is he found something powerful to connect us in his short letter.
4. He gives me credit for inspiring him into creating his book. That gives me some responsibility here and geez...I'm always proud of my subscribers when they do something good. ;-)
5. He didn't ask me to sell anything. He asked me to share this valuable resource available for download. Since I don't know's harder for me to try to sell a product for him. However, it's much easier for me to say yes to offering a download.
6. He actually sent me a printed copy of the book. If you ever want someone to review your ebook, mail them a printed copy. They are more likely to read it and will appreciate your consideration.
Now...I have to tell you, that since I've been away for a few days, I haven't even had a chance to tell Mark I received his letter. I do hope he will appreciate my using his letter as a marketing lesson for everyone! And if you're a Canadian with a mortage...I will give you a link to download his ebook as soon as it's ready.
If you're not Canadian (and even if you are!) please share your thoughts on Mark's letter and any ideas you have on getting noticed when you approach new people for help in your business.