Community Blogs & Podcasts - Fun & Great for Added Exposure

Over the past few weeks, I've been trying my hand at more "communal" online projects. For example, I've turned my one-woman baby & toddler blog to a 4-mommy project at Now, Kelly McCausey has invited me to join her in her new podcast project at Baby Talk Radio (which is part of her bigger communal podcast/Internet radio project at Moms Radio Network).
I've been approached to be a "contributing writer" to other projects in the past and I've usually declined the offer. In these cases, people were looking for writers to contribute full articles to a newsletter and/or website. I declined on these because writing complete articles is a tremendous amount of work and it was never really certain how much my work would pay off or if my efforts would receive a decent amount of exposure on the website iself.
I think the blog and podcast set up is idea for these type of situations. A blog entry doesn't have to be long and whipping up an interesting post just takes a few minutes or I can go and write whenever I feel inspired to do so. Plus, when I add a new entry, it is featured on the home page, instead of hidden somewhere within the website.
Kelly's also set up her Baby Talk Radio project in a similar way...but instead of writing, it will be in audio. And add to that, all her podcasters have to do is phone a telephone number to make all their recordings. All the techy details are taken care of.
This idea isn't new and there are plenty of "communal" projects out there ( and come to mind), but many of these are on all kinds of topics and aren't so focused. The advantage of being involved with a highly-targeted project is the highly-targeted traffic which grows because the contributors are working to get exposure for the project as a whole. And when the project is so highly focused, word-of-mouth flies much more quickly. It's easy for people to say, "Go listen to Baby Talk Radio," than to say, "Go to, search for babies and then...."
And by the way...before I go...mommies and DADDIES, Kelly's looking for podcast contributors. Sign up here to learn more. Or start your own highly-focused communal project and see how your exposure grows.
Yes, I'm loving it. I'm a contributor to 4 blogs/podcasts now, and you put words down that I had been thinking for weeks!
Blog posts are so easy to do, and the blog does grow very quickly which benefits everyone involved.
I think it's a great idea, I'm a late starter when it comes to blogs, but I've been converted ! and I'm happy to contribute wherever I can.. :)
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