The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Friday, January 19, 2007

Finding People Who are Interested in What You Have to Offer

I received this question the other day and wanted to address it here on the blog today.

"What is the best way to set up a site to get people to be interested in contacting me for more info? I have a candle business with Mia Bella and my goal is to make it a second income. I am trying to work it offline but I feel that if I get it online too I can work it from every angle to max business.” - Erica

First, I want to congratulate Erica for seeing the potential of bringing her business online. Many more doors can open for her as she learns how to “set up shop” on the internet and applies those methods to her site.

My suggestion would be to use an opt-in page or possibly two opt-in pages. One to target opportunity seekers and the other to target people who love candles. The business one could include information about starting a candle business, promote her company and other business tips. The customer list could include information about home decorating, using scents in the home, decorating with candles (the ones she sells), how to get coupons for purchasing those candles, etc.

No matter what the main reason for moving your business online, the success of that will depend on how you market yourself and your business. Opt-in pages allow you to create a targeted list of people who are interested in what you have to offer. It really allow you to get your feet wet quickly, focusing on two things - building your list and getting to know your target market. Then you can add more things to your marketing. Start simple and grow from there.

You can find an opt-in page builder included in the Copywriting Sweetie package.


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