It's Wear Your Bare Feet to Work Day - Every Day

This morning I was listening to the radio and the DJ claimed that this was the first official day that you can wear open-toed shoes to work. Not sure exactly where he got the idea, but I'm guessing that this is the time of year when the weather in rainy Vancouver starts to turn warmer (but not always drier).
I giggled because I wear open-toed shoes outside all year and, of course, I wear bare feet at work all the time! I guess it's easy when you're not trudging off to the bus stop to get to work.
What do you wear on your feet, while you work?
I'm all about barefeet on the warm days anyways. When it's cold I have this black fleece socks that are so warm plus I have these bright blue fluffy slippers :-)
And THIS is why I love to work from home - I wear bare feet most of the time all year round & often work on the laptop while perched on the bed. Ah, life is grand.
I could wear bare just about anything else to but one wouldn't want to scare the cats.
Barefoot sometimes but I usually wear sneakers around the house. It gives me more energy to have shoes on. And I work better. I think my brain is on more with shoes on my feet. Kind of like Dr. Seuss says "You have brains in your head and shoes on your feet" in Oh The Places You'll Go!
But I live in the South and here we wear flipflops in the dead of winter. ;)
Barefeet or socks.
Hi Alice,
I wear "Happy Feet" most days. I'm not sure you can get them outside of my local area. They are so comfortable!
-James Brausch
Sponge Bob socks eh? They will never beat my Care Bear grippy sox :-P LOL
On topic: I wear bare feet or socks.
I live in San Luis Obispo, California. It's warm most of the time. I like to wear socks in the house and sandals outside. If you want to know what it's like here, I just started a blog(I would like to learn more from you Alice) it's at
Just depends some days I wear socks or go barefoot and some days (usually if I have to go somewhere) I wear sneakers!
In an ideal world I'd be working on a beach wearing nothing but speedos.. lol ..but until then its socks with warm slippers on cold days and bare foot on the rare hot days here in the uk!! :-)
Mike G...
Do you just bare "ONE FOOT" on a
rare hot day, and leave the other one with socks on it?!! hehehe
Are you SURE?!!
"Sneakers" or do you mean "running shoes"!hehehe
Just remember Alice IS CANADIAN and I hear that she likes her readers to be POLITICALLY CORRECT!!lol
LOL..Bare all, we Canadians don't get too political over runners, running shoes or sneakers!
For the record, I call them "runners". ;-)
I never wear closed toes shoes anywhere. i live in the south and during the summer it too hot to cover your feet. During the winter it is still warm enough to wear sandals. Most women here think it is also a must to paint your toenails but i never do that either.
I "Wear my bare feet to work" every day. Lucky me! I have a sort of real job even. Sort of. After the first day of going barefoot, all of the novelty wore off for my co-workers, so now nobody seems to notice
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