The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Oh Crap - Now Internet Marketing is Dying

If it wasn't enough that Adsense was dying (snort, snort), it seems Internet marketing is suffering the same fate. I just finished reading a "The Death of Internet Marketing" report by Mike Filsaime and apparently it's "true".

(If you haven't seen the report, search on Technorati as I am not an affiliate for this one and Google isn't quite up-to-date on this new report)

A bit of a disclaimer before I begin. I like Mike Filsaime. I've met him personally several times, we had good conversations and I learned quite a bit from him. I even like many aspects of his report. He also makes more money than I do.

Note: Much of his information applies to people selling Internet marketing information to other Internet marketers, but a good chunk of the info applies to all.

What I find curious is around page 41 where he starts to talk about Internet marketers needing to learn to say no, he says things like "Sorry, I'm overbooked," or "I have fulfilled my limit for this month...". He also talks about getting your "Group of 8" that you cross-promote with and those are the people to say yes too.

I agree, if someone asks you to promote your product (in the IM 2 IM niche or not), you have to learn to say no, but there are far more important fundamental reason for doing so and not because they're in your "Group of 8".

Hang on a sec...this is groundbreaking and I bet most of you will never have thought of it...


As my business matures, I have developed what could be considered a "Group of 8" (I'm not sure of the exact number because I haven't counted!). It actually developed by accident and working closely with this group of people, but I don't just say yes because they have a new product coming. I evaluate each product and opportunity on its own merit. Yes, my "Group of 8" may get priority consideration, but that doesn't mean anything automatic.

For example, I've had a few people ask me to promote their products that revolved around niche marketing. I don't teach niche marketing and would rather see people do really well in a wider market than spreading themselves too thin in a bunch of small, unrelated markets. I don't care who you are - even if you're my cousin, sister or mother - if it doesn't fit in with what I'm teaching, then you don't get past the door.

On the other hand, if you present something to me that fits in perfectly with what I'm doing, but you aren't in my "good ol' girls and boys club", you still get consideration.

Stay sweet and have your readers in mind...and you'll do well. Sure, it's an oversimplification, but for those of you Internet Marketing Sweeties out there, you'll know exactly what I mean.


Blogger Kelly said...

I haven't read the report - I'm on a 'no new marketing stuff' fast for the rest of 2006.

I really appreciate what you're saying Alice because I know that you make decisions based on what will benefit your readers. You know what your message is and you stick to it. That is what has set you apart and enabled you to build a very profitable business.

5:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that it's a matter of selectivity also in what you promote and does it really work. Being a total "affiliate whore" as Kristie said can not work cause you cannot be successful with just any program out there. But I do think that if if you mix a bit of playful hype into your content it can add to the experience, IF the basic program has merit and works. An example would be the program. He's a bit "in your face" with his approach, but it is very funny and his ideas are interesting and do work. So I would say, an "affiliate whore"-Not, but an "affiliate escort"-Well Maybe if the marketing is sound and the money is there too! Why not have a little spice with your marketing?

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Alice,

I can't believe how much we are on the same wavelength. Well, I shouldn't be surprised really, should I.

My own review (also sans any links) is on my blog at

Maybe you and I won't be Mike F's favorite people!


Martin Avis

11:08 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

Thanks for the feedback everyone. Martin - I think that Mike can take it and will accept that we have differing opinions. ;-)

3:10 PM  

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