The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Unpacking & Organizing the Office

Even though I was talking about my outdoor office for the summer as we moved into our new home, we ran into a couple of rainy days and I decided to get started on the indoor office. And as I unpack boxes, it's been an interesting stroll down memory lane.

Over the past few years, the space in our old place seemed to get smaller and smaller and that meant more things going back into boxes. Some of the things that went into boxes were my office belongings. A lot of courses, supplies, etc. just got packed away. It was a real blast from the past when I unloaded everything and started putting them on the new shelves (I'd take a pic, but at this point, I haven't a CLUE where my camera is...this move is taking for-EVER). I had to cut out a lot of the fat, but what remains on my shelf is the solid content from John Reese, Michel Fortin, Jeff Walker and a handful of others. I'll show you later, but you might have to remind me.

Another interesting thing I found is 8 laminated copies of the 10 Commandments of Being An Internet Marketing Sweetie. These are 10 simple, yet quite profound guidelines (if I do say so myself) to running a long-term profitable business. These are the same commandments that come with my original Internet Marketing Sweetie course. I'm not quite sure what to do with these copies, but thought you might want one. It's just something to keep near your computer and help keep things on the positive...and profitable.

If you want one, I'll walk my little ol' self to the post office and send it to you directly. Just email (OFFER NOW CLOSED) with your request and snail mail address and I'll get it out to you. I only have 8, so do it quick...but even if you're late, I might have something to send you anyway, so please do write!

But word of warning: This laminated sheet is a collectors item. ;-) I can't believe it, but I found a typo on it. It's very minor, but it's there, so that must mean this will be worth a ton of cash in the future. Seriously, I can't promise anything...but if you follow the advice in the commandments, it may just make you tons of cash.

Okay, back to organizing my office...

EDITED June 21, 2007 -> Well, I got way more than 8 requests, but no biggie...I'll mail something to everyone and envelopes will go out Monday. Look for me in your snail mail inbox soon!


Blogger Carrie Huggins said...

You have email. :)
Signed, your sweetie student. (I already have the 10 commandments but it's not laminated, and not sent by Alice herself. Neat!)

5:36 AM  
Blogger Stephanie Trahd said...

I moved when I got married 8 years ago, and I still have unopened boxes in the basement! Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed, I pull out my snapshots of the family room and garage (which were stacked ceiling high with boxes) and tell myself that if I can get through that, I can get through anything! :)

Many congratulations on your new (and larger!) home, and here's hopin' I'm one of the first to respond to your email!

6:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so envious! I would give anything to have to worry about unpacking a new office. I'd even put up with the boxes. What am I talking about?! I moved into my current place over 6 years ago, and I STILL have some boxes!

Congratulations on your move. I hope that you're able to get everything set up exactly the way you have it envisioned in your mind. :D

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have the feeling I'll be having a lot of boxes for a long, long time and my poor car will never get into the garage. LOL!

Carrie - you're funny. I considered autographing them, but thought that would be a bit pretentious! ;-)

1:18 PM  

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