The Official Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog

Monday, November 19, 2007

Article Marketing EQUALS Distributing Articles to Directories: Monday Myth #2 Crushed

It seems that a lot of people are questioning whether article marketing is “dead”, but I think it’s quite bizarre. Newspapers still publish articles, all the big news sites are still delivering news…so where is the death?

I figure it’s because people equate article marketing with distributing to,,, etc. With everyone jumping on the bandwagon and many talking about Google slapping duplicate content, the competition on the article directories has become fierce.

For me, article marketing is not dead…as I’ve never limited it to that. Article marketing is using articles on your own site, contacting BIG and targeted website/newsletter publishers directly and REALLY getting your content out there, instead of just passively submitting to directories.

Use your articles to your advantage by re-using them in different and unique ways. For instance, publish them in your own newsletters or combine articles on the same topic into a report or ebook. Get everything you can out of your articles! The possibilities are endless as long as you’ll open the horizon and think outside the box just a bit.

As with anything in business, don’t put all your eggs in one basket by only doing one or two of these things. Give yourself multiple areas to work in. Then, if for some reason one of them isn’t working the way you’d hoped, you aren’t finding yourself at a complete loss.

Find out more about keeping your article marketing efforts alive and well at Article Marketing Sweetie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a very good point, Alice. There was kind of a article distribution craze, but there are so many more things you can do with articles.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Stephanie Trahd said...

At what point do you over-saturate an article? For instance, if someone reads my article at an ezine directory, subscribes to my ezine, and then gets that same article in my ezine? They'll be getting the same article twice. Are there negative effects from that? Thanks Alice!

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an article directory owner, I naturally welcome article submissions. :) But I always encourage our authors to post their articles on their OWN sites first. Your current visitors will continue coming back to your site if they can always find new content there.

As well, many of the article writers I know first publish a new article in their ezine and then submit it to article directories. That way, their subscribers always get the fresh content first.

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the idea of posting an article on your own site first, but if you are writing for SEO purposes, I can see uploading them to article directories.

For a couple years now I have been using a program called Artemis Pro (not an affiliate link). On the surface it looks like any old article submitter, but what makes it so cool is I write one article and rewrite it twice more. Artemis takes the three articles and creates unique articles for each submission. I have an ezine publishing list, and it is great that the program can submit a different article to each of the ezines.

10:53 PM  

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