6 Year Olds & Their Incredible Determination - What We Can Learn from Them
On Friday, I had the pleasure of helping out at my son's grade 1 class field trip to a local skating rink. For most of the little ones, this was their first time skating. My son included - he'd never skated before. Here he is with his grade 7 "Buddy" that stood by him the whole time: At first, my son could barely move without falling down. By the end of the hour, he was taking little baby steps around the rink, moving very slowly...all with the very serious face you see in the picture above. Many other kids were experiencing the same thing. I was helping one girl who fell like every 5 seconds and she just didn't look very happy. I asked her, "Would you like to take a break?" To which she simply responded, "No." She just wanted to keep going and so did all these kids even though they were possibly doing one of the hardest things they'd ever done. The pure determination on that rink was amazing - and not only were they determined, they were IMPROVING. As the hour ended, I asked my son if he'd skate to the end of the rink with me since he'd been busy with his Buddy the whole time. He obliged and then fell down. I tried to help him and he said, "No Mommy! I have to do it myself!" Now...what if every Internet Marketer had the same determination to succeed as these little skaters did? It'd be AMAZING!
The 12 Sweet Gifts of Christmas Go To...
I guess it did go pretty fast, didn't it? I was stuck in bed and got out just to post the giveaway, I'd promised. My apologies for being about 9 hours late! Thanks to everyone who entered and for the great feedback from people who have already enjoyed some of my courses...I REALLY appreciate that. Without further ado, here were the first 12 that included all the necessary info: 1. Jennifer McVey - Copywriting Sweetie 2. Erin Clark - 3 Months Outsourcing Sweetie 3. Kristy Zucarelli - Press Release Profits 4. Kelly Ling - Copywriting Sweetie 5. Kenneth Fox - Copywriting Sweetie 6. Sarah Zeldman - 3 Months Outsourcing Sweetie 7. Joely Sue Burkhart - Copywriting Sweetie 8. Adam Lok - Internet Marketing Sweetie 9. Sandy Naidu - Affiliate Marketing Sweetie 10. Regina Baker - Copywriting Sweetie 11. Mindy Benker - 3 Months Outsourcing Sweetie Gold 12. Marie-Josee Bettez - 3 Months Outsourcing Sweetie Gold To claim your prize: Email Mel at news @ internetmarketingsweetie.com with the subject line "Sweetie Saturday Winner" and tell her your name and the prize you won. PLEASE NOTE: Please give her until Thursday or Friday to award your prize as it's the weekend now and tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Thanks for your patience and enjoy your gifts!
The 12 Sweet Gifts of Christmas - Hurry Before They're Gone
I sat and wondered what I could do for a holiday-style Sweetie Saturday and thought of the good ol' song " The Twelve Days of Christmas." Of course, there are just a handful of days before Christmas and I wanted to do it in one big BANG! Now I could have come up with one of those giveaways where you get a ton of (or in this case 12) "freebies" which may or may not hold much value and I could collect a gazillion email addresses. It's not quite my style and I'd rather give you something that YOU want. Now obviously, if I'm letting you choose from just about anything you want... I can't give it away to everyone. That's why I've written " Hurry Before They're Gone" in the subject line. It's not just a ploy. I'm pretty sure you'll have to move pretty quickly to get this. So, what's the deal with these 12 Sweet Gifts of Christmas? The deal is, I am going to give you a chance to get YOUR CHOICE of one product, absolutely free. Here are the choices: How to Enter:
I am giving away 1 product to each of the first 12 people to post a comment in the comments area below with the following complete information: - Full Name
- State/Prov Country
- Product You Want
- 1 Sentence Saying Why You Want It.
The first 12 people to complete those steps win what they wanted. It's as simple as that. I'll post how to claim your prize later tonight or on Sunday...so don't worry, I WILL be back. I love giving out free stuff!
Never Forget Again - Talking Alarm Clock: Freebie Friday
This Friday's Freebie has been kindly contributed to you by Darina Loakman of IAmAWahm.com. Here's her favorite freebie for staying on top of what she needs to do and for avoiding the glued to the computer trap. Here's what Darina says about her " Talking Alarm Clock" and a video that shows how she uses it. I have limited working hours each day and in order to make the most of them I do have to be very disciplined about what I actually do when I'm workingSometimes I'm good at it, other times I'm not. SadOne of my biggest time stealers was answering emails and checking message forums. I also had a problem staying up too late at the computer and being wrecked the next day ! I would sit down supposedly for 5 minutes just on my way to bed, and 2 or 3 hours would pass before I knew it (can you relate to that?)So earlier this year I took a few simple steps that have helped me to put more structure on my day and get the most out of my limited work time:Here's a short video on how it works and how to set it up. You can download the talking alarm clock by clicking here. 1. I outsourced most of my emails except those to my personal email address.2. I put an autoresponder on my personal email address letting people know the times that I check my email and when I would get back to them.3. I installed the free talking alarm clock from cinnamon software. I use it in a number of ways. Twice a day a little guy jumps up and tells me to answer my emails and check whatever message forums I use. Then later at night he jumps up again and tells me it's bed time :) I also use him to restrict my kids time on the computer, but it's not actually foolproof ! but so far when he jumps up and says "Hey your time is up, give your brother a go !" they seem to obey him.I like the fact that it's not just visual, the talking bit is what makes it work for me. We do tend to respond more to voice rather than just the written word and even if all I have to do is click the close button and he's gone it still sticks in my mind what I have to do.
Enjoy :) I hope it's useful to you.
Darina Loakman I Am A Wahm
How Do I Find a Good Housekeeper?: Three Thoughts Thursday
Hmmm...what does this have to do with Internet Marketing? If you work from your home, it means EVERYTHING. Today's Three Thoughts have been inspired by a subscriber of my Outsourcing Tips...and her question was in response to this email from the tips sequence: "Today I want to talk to you about my favorite task to outsource - cleaning house. I don't know about you, but vacuuming and cleaning the bathroom, aren't on my list of favorite things to do. I'd much rather spend the afternoon writing to you or adding some new resources to my website than scrubbing the bathtub.
So, one of the first things I outsourced was keeping my house 'somewhat' clean (If you have small kids you know keeping it completely clean for more than 10 minutes is impossible).
Think about it, how much time do you spend cleaning house each week? If you (like me) don't particularly enjoy it, it probably takes you quite some time. Hiring a housekeep to come in even just once a week to clean the house for a few hours could easily give you an extra 5 to6 hours of time to work on your business, or even better spend with your family or friends.
How much more would you make each week, if you devoted just 2 of those hours to building your business? If you can bring in as much money (or even more) as you are paying your housekeeper, it would definitely be worth your while to hire one.
To your success, Alice Seba"
And then Heidi wrote back to ask:
"Hi Alice!
So do you have any suggestions on HOW to find a good 'housekeeper'??? That's definitely an area of my life that I just can't seem to keep up with & I get overly stressed out when my house is a mess.
How do you find someone you can trust? Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Alice! You're awesome!
Heidi =0) "
So, let's get into the three thoughts on finding a good housekeeper:1. Just like with any other outsourcing you do, referrals are best. Ask your friends or other parents at school...just start asking. I used a "reputable" service with bonded employees once, but they didn't do a very thorough job and they were overpriced. Thankfully, my best friend's mom returned to her cleaning business about a year and a half ago and I scooped her up because I knew what a thorough housekeeper she is and I've known her for a long time. 2. If you don't know the person, stay near. You mentioned trust issues and that is certainly understandable. There is no reason that you have to leave the house while they do the cleaning, especially as you're getting to know each other. Just be accommodating and get out of the way when they work in a certain area. 3. Make sure you get your money's worth. As I mentioned, I wasn't happy with the service I used. They didn't move anything on the floor to clean underneath, no matter how light it was. This included plants, baskets, etc...and forget about even moving or attempting to vacuum under a couch. I assume this might be due to employee or worker's compensation regulations, but to me - it was lame. I'd come home and feel like I could have done a better job...and that's saying a lot. The lady I have now, does it all. She even moves the fridge and the stove on a regular basis...and while she cleans, she washes and folds our laundry without "taking me out to the cleaners", so to speak. ;-) So, before you take someone on, be sure you ask what they do and don't do...and how much time they'd need to keep your house sparkly clean.
A Big Relief: Wednesday Words from You
I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to share some more words from another Outsourcing Sweetie Platinum member today. These kind words give me warm fuzzies, not because they have anything to do with me - but because of the great job my team members are doing in delivering service to our Platinum Members. I already knew they rocked, but I know I know they REALLY rock. Here are some words from Vera Raposo: "Your Outsourcing Sweetie is great! I'm getting a lot more done than ever before, so I'm thrilled. I'm really going to focus on increasing my income so I can use your program on a monthly basis. It's a big relief even that I know what I'm asking for will get done, and I'll have a response right away instead of waiting a week for a VA to get back to me. It's great."
Thank you very much Vera (and thank you to Mel, Lynette, Kelly, Mila & our team of writers). Your comments are really appreciated. For a flat monthly fee, all Platinum Members receive variety of services from my team including, virtual assistance, content writing, research, programming, graphic and web design. That can take a big load off anyone's plate. As I mentioned last week, Platinum spaces are full, but we will be opening up a handful more for January. The way to get in on the action is to sign up as a Gold Member now...it's only $5 for a 2-week trial.
Google Product Search Now Integrated with Internet Based Family
Good news for all Internet Based Family website owners -> The Google Product Search has now been integrated into your account. This means you can automatically add your product offerings to Google Beta Product Search service. To access the tool, click 'Tools' -> 'Shopping Cart' -> 'Power Tools' -> 'Google Product Search.' Click the link, fill in the blanks and you're ready to go. All you need is a free Google account to get started. Not using Internet Based Family, you can take a 10-day trial here.
What Will You ABSOLUTELY Do Differently in 2008?: Tough Question Tuesday
As 2007 rolls to a close, it's high-time to start planning for 2008. My tough question for you is: "What will you ABSOLUTELY do differently in 2008?" For me: There will be a lot more financial analysis and planning in everything I do. I am not a mathematical person and I'm actually intimidated by numbers. I also don't schedule a whole lot of time for analyzing my finances (always giving myself the excuse that "I don't have time."). THAT is definitely going to be added to the schedule so I can plan my products and promotions better, plus do more with my money. Your turn...
OT: Alice is NOT a Domineering Mother - Myth Crusher Monday
I hope you don't mind me going a little off-topic for this week's Myth Crusher. After all it's the holidays and I've got to defend myself at the same time! ;-) Recently, I was asked by Marie Ynami to participate in her annual Carol for a Cause, where she gathers a number of moms in the Internet Marketing community to sing carols in order to raise fund for breast cancer research. If you'd like a little laugh and to hear what some of the marketing moms sound like when belting out Christmas tunes, all it takes is donation of any size. Once you've donated you can hear: - Me and my kids singing "Frosty the Snowman"...ummm, okay it mostly sounds like me...but I swear I was trying to be quiet, so you can hear them. Thus trying to crush the myth that I'm a domineering mother...he he he.
- Angela Wills and her son getting some piggy pudding and singing "We Wish you a Merry Christmas"
- Annette Yen's daughters singing "Ding Dong Merrily on High" - I SWEAR she just downloaded a professional audio from iTunes...her girls have TALENT.
- Jen Houck and her precious little girls singing everyone's favorite, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer".
....and a bunch more. Head over to Carol for a Cause...make a donation for a good cause and then listen to some carols. ;-)
BEWARE The Internet Marketing Buffet: Sweetie Saturday Report
As you know, we often give away free products via random draw on Sweetie Saturday. That means just a few lucky people get a chance to own some pretty cool products. But every once in a while, we offer a great deal that everyone can take advantage of. Today is all about the great deal...that can potentially save you tons of time so that you can make more money. Introducing: Beware the Internet Marketing Buffet, your guide to creating a more focused and profitable business. The Internet is a world of vast opportunities, but the volume of opportunities often comes back to bite us in the rear end! Building on my recent article featured in the WC Mini Mag and drawing on some of the concepts in my highly-praised Internet Marketing Spring Cleaning Coaching, this guide helps you tackle a lot of those things that can be holding you back from being as profitable and content in your Internet marketing business. If you're guilty of being a social network hopper, a domain-aholic, you're always looking for the next best thing or are simply having trouble getting your business to where you want to be - take heart. You most certainly aren't alone and that's why I created this guide to help you with many of the obstacles online business owners face...and you can download it right away for a quick and easy $10...and the regained focus you'll get it is priceless. Find out:- How to easily cut out the distractions that are actively destroying your business' profitability.
- Finding the right people to listen to and learn from, while tuning out the rest.
- A simple 3-step plan that will change your chaotic online empire into a highly-focused earning machine with incredible growth-potential.
Think you're too busy to download and read this?Like all our Sweetie guides, this one is to-the-point and quickly lays out a plan for you. If you have so much going on in your business that you feel it's impossible to take 20 minutes to read (and apply) what's in this guide - then you need it more than ever. Just 20 minutes can save you a ton of time and as a result, plenty of money and your sanity. This guide is for YOU and as always, by purchasing a Sweetie Saturday awesome deal, you also receive resell rights (yep it also includes the graphics). This means you can sell it or add it to a paid product as a bonus. The only thing you can't do is give it away for free or sell the rights to anyone else. This offer is good until: Monday, December 17 at 11:30 AM PST and then I won't sell this report to the public again - See what time it is right now in the PST zone. How to Claim This Offer:
To take advantage of this offer, you have two pretty sweet options: Sorry, this offer is now closed. A new Sweetie Saturday Report is coming in January.
Holiday Giveaways – Are The Really Free?
Why I Don't Use ClickBank to Manage My Affiliate Program: Three Thoughts
Recently, a customer who purchased Affiliate Manager Sweetie, sent me this question: "There was one comment you made about ClickBank that it wasn't as good because you don't find out who your affiliates are but there is software that can help with this issue."In the course, I do believe I mentioned there are software solutions to help you collect affiliate data, but I thought I'd elaborate here and explain in 3 thoughts why ClickBank has never been my first choice for managing my affiliate program: 1. You don't have all your affiliate contact info as I stated in the course. Yes, there is software that you can use that allows you to make your affiliate go through a sign up process before you give them their hoplink. In fact all you need is a simple autoresponder sign up to capture their info before giving them a hoplink, but some of the software has more sophisticated link creation capabilities for your affiliates, so I do understand the use of the software. In fact, Jimmy D. Brown uses a similar system, but I hear he's thinking of breaking out of ClickBank with future products. Here's the potential problem with the software: You'll only catch those that go to your site. Those who find you through the marketplace won't need to go through the sign up process. Of course, that's a perk of the marketplace where you can get extra exposure, so why not, right? Well, my guess is that not all affiliates are browsing the marketplace randomly when they find your link at ClickBank. They see other people promoting your product and they see it's a hoplink, so they go to CB to find theirs...circumventing your system. I've done this many time, not intentionally avoiding signing up for a program, but because I saw a product that I wanted to promote on another site and then just went to ClickBank. Again, you might think...the more affiliates the better, right? Sure but... 2. Consider that the anonymous open marketplace can open you up to spammers and other unscrupulous promoters. You have no control, can't stop a particular hoplink (other than to stop selling by ClickBank) and it is a very real loss of control. Of course, if there are spam or other serious issues, Clickbank should step in, but you'll have to wait for them to take action. But overall, you have no control to keep someone out of your program. It's a risk to think about. NOTE: You don't have to list your product in the marketplace, but if you don't want it listed...why not manage your own program instead? 3. Overall, you need to decide if being at the mercy of ClickBank what you really want? If ClickBank is the only way you sell your product, you really are at their mercy. You have to follow all their rules and if they change them, you have to abide. I visit forums where people are constantly complaining that: - "ClickBank is becoming stricter on allowing certain products." Often this is in the area of the Internet marketing niche on products like email list building, etc. where there is potential for abuse. But even if your product is stellar and totally by-the-book, you may lose out because ClickBank simply wants to protect itself.
- "They give out refunds too easily." Now, if you have a money-back guarantee, you've gotta give people their money back, but people have learned to game the ClickBank system. They also know they don't have to directly contact the seller, so it's easy to just buy and get a refund.
- "People Self-Serve Discounts by Buying Through Their Own Affiliate Link": This one really bothers me for a couple reasons and I don't allow it in my own program.
First of all, when an affiliate self-serves they often take commissions away from an affiliate that actually referred the sale. That completely takes away from the spirit of an affiliate program.
Second of all, I do understand the need to check out a product before promoting it and sometimes it helps to get it at a discount. If an affiliate is looking for a review copy, they should contact me directly and not simply help themselves to a discount. Most people who do this on the sly have no intention of promoting anything.
If you want to do business with ClickBank, you have to accept these types of restrictions and realize that you have to do what they say or get out. Overall (and I think I'm heading into Thought #4), it is an expensive option. Yes, it's nice that they take care of paying your affiliates (but you know you can do it with a few click of your mouse in PayPal all by yourself?) and you can get extra exposure from their marketplace, but personally I'd rather take that extra money and hire an affiliate manager to get people into my own system and working hard to promote my products. Fee Information from ClickBank's Website:"For most transactions, ClickBank purchases the product from the publisher at a wholesale price equal to 92.5% of retail, less a $1 stocking charge. For example: If ClickBank sells your product for $50 to the customer, you would get $50 x .925 - $1 = $45.25. For rebills associated with a recurring billing product where the rebill is less than $40, ClickBank purchases the rebill product from the publisher at a wholesale price equal to 90.1% of retail.For affiliate directed sales, the commission percentage is subtracted from the net sale price."
That is NOT cheap. Overall, the choice is yours and I'm speaking from my point of view. I've evaluated ClickBank, but never used it. There are also thousands of people perfectly happy with the system (and I welcome their's and everyone's comments below). Either way, if you're thinking of selling with ClickBank, you can consult their FAQ here or share your thoughts below.
New to Internet Marketing Sweetie: Dishing on the Gurus
With recent talk on the blog about finding the right mentors and knowing who to learn from, I thought we needed an Internet Marketing Guru section to Internet Marketing Sweetie. We're building a place where you can learn about various Internet marketing teachers, what they teach and my opinions on whether they are worth their salt. Although, we've started out with 5 of my favorite Internet marketing teachers...we do plan to make this a comprehensive coverage many of the teachers out there. So, don't be fooled by all the praise right now...if we see something we don't like, we'll be sharing it. A big thanks goes to Arika Liddiard who has been a big help in putting this section together and helping me make it grow into a worthwhile resource. Have a peek. We've got info on:...all whom have a definite influence and impact on my business. But hold on tight, there's more to come!
"My Team" Rocks: Wednesday Words from You
Today we had our first Monthly Members Call for Outsourcing Sweetie and when it came time for the Q&A session, I was pleasantly surprised when Platinum Member Christina spoke up to say this (just press play!): Outsourcing Sweetie Platinum Membership is currently closed to new members, but you can grab your Gold Trial anytime. We expect to have another small intake of members in January 2008.
Tons of Tax Savings: Hire Your Kids!
Here's an awesome twist on outsourcing to make more money with your business. If you've got kids and file taxes with the IRS, this is for you. Huh? What do kids have to do with outsourcing? Well, hiring your kids could potentially save you a bundle on your taxes and make it even easier to help shape your kids and your business' future. CPA and Certified Financial Planner®, Kristine McKinley, has put together a quick and detailed report that shows you how to " Hire Your Kids" for great financial benefit. This report includes:* How hiring your children reduces your taxes * Who qualifies to hire their children in their business *Detailed example shows you how you can save $$$ by hiring your children *How hiring your children can help save for college or give them a jump start on retirement *Completed sample forms needed to hire your children and avoid scrutiny by the IRS Grab yours by clicking here. At only $10, it's a must-have that could potentially save you hundreds or thousands on your taxes. And ahem....DID YOU KNOW?: Outsourcing Sweetie Members receive a 50% discount on this report. If you haven't signed up yet, take the $5 you save on the tax report and sign up for your sneak peek now: Outsourcing Sweetie 2-Week Sneak Peek ... first-time sign-ups only. (Discount details are in your members area under "Member Discounts")
I've Tried Everything and I Give up: Myth Crusher Monday
We all see these types of posts on forums where people are at their wits end and are ready to quit trying this Internet marketing thing. You see post titles like: - "Thinking of giving up." - "I've tried EVERYTHING and NOTHING works." - "6 months and no money. I quit." I feel for people who post things like this because by sharing their pain, I think they show they have more desire to succeed than others who might be struggling (not that DESIRE is all that it takes). Unfortunately, most people start a project, never complete it and then disappear without a word. That's why I want to crush this myth for those people with the DESIRE today. But that said, it is very rare that these people have "tried everything", nor have they FULLY tried those things that they've attempted. I hope that this blog post will push those who are ready to give up to go further and start to achieve the success they've been hoping for. To get that extra push, you might need to understand which kind of "I've Tried Everything" type of person you might be: a. The "I've Dabbled In Everything" Trap: Often the person who says they've tried everything, really has just dabbled in a LOT of things. This type of person is attracted by all the shiny objects and flavors of the month the Internet marketing arena seems to offer. They've tried to make a $7 report. They've tried sending PPC traffic to affiliate pages. They've tried all those push-button software programs that generate hundreds or thousands of pages in a month. When Joe Guru emails about a new money-making system, they jump on board. Then Fred Guru sends out an email and they are certain they need that. It's a never-ending cycle where you never give yourself a chance to really succeed in one area. or sometimes they fall into... b. The "I've Half-Heartedly Tried Everything" Trap: Then there are those who have a more focused plan and are working to target a specific market, but just can't seem to make it work. They've put up their website, set up their affiliate program, exchanged some links and bought a few ads...but nothing is really happening. This person may not recognize him or herself as such and will truly feel they've done everything and are "at a loss on what to do next." ( Disclaimer! - I'm not trying to sound condescending or put anyone down..just trying to give a dose of Tough Sweetie Love...and some solutions.) How to Get Out of These Traps:1. First Things First -> Your Target:It IS possible that if you're trying to sell a product or market to a market that doesn't already exist, you might not get to success. But if you see others successfully selling similar products to similar people, you've got that battle down. Target market is definitely key and so is how you stand out in the market. And hey, if you're just puttering around trying this and that...now is the time to identify that target market you want to serve and get to work. If you need help with your target and standing out with a USP (Unique Selling Position): Consult the Target Market & USP section of the FAQ.
2. Next: Make a Commitment to Follow-Through: It doesn't matter if you're Dabbler or a Half-Hearted, make sure you have a plan and fully execute it. It doesn't help to set up an affiliate program and then not RECRUIT (not just wait for them to come to you) affiliates and provide stellar training materials. It doesn't help to have a sales page if you have no idea about how to write copy that sells. It doesn't help to set up a mailing list and then either 1.) Never build the list and/or 2.) Never email to that list...OR WORSE yet 3.) Never SELL anything to that list. It doesn't help to post to a blog if you don't drive any traffic to it. I think you get my point. So what is an overwhelmed person to do? Take it one step at a time and... 3. Make a Plan: If you're still struggling for those first glimpses of success, there is no reason why you have to try to do everything at once. Start with one strategy for spreading the word about your business and build on your success. Whether your first strategy is (just a couple of examples...not an exhaustive list of possibilities):- A mailing list of opt-in subscribers
- An affiliate program (and think...if you promote it aggressively, that will result in a list of paying customers which is even more valuable than opt-in subscribers, in most cases)
- A press release campaign to gain publicity.
...do it from beginning to end. Beginning to end means (using the same non-exhaustive examples above):- Mailing list: Grow your list, email your list regular and test out different offers. Get to know your list and improve your marketing constantly.
- Affiliate program: Recruit affiliates, push them to take action, provide useful promo materials, pay on time and keep on paying. Repeat.
- Press Release Campaign: Writing your releases, distributing them DIRECTLY to media outlets and not just online newswires, following up with anyone who interviews your or publishes your release. Sending out more press releases with the same steps.
4. Do Things That Produce Quicker Results First:
There are no instant riches on the Internet (unless you're that lucky online lottery ticket buyer!), but some things you can do to promote your business work faster than others. For example, if you're been told you can get a flood of free search engine traffic by optimizing your pages for search engines - be prepared to wait. YES, search engine traffic totally rocks, but it can take time to build. DON'T make this your first order of business unless you have the patience to wait, especially if your website is new to the world wide web. Instead work on thing like starting a highly-targeted and tracked advertising campaign, actively (I mean ACTIVELY!) building your mailing list, finding willing affiliate partners or creating a product with someone who ALREADY has a list. You'll be more motivated to continue when you achieve quicker results.
5. Avoid Desperation: If you're in a tough financial situation, it can be tough to maintain your focus and it's easy to try to follow the shiny objects or feel like it's time to toss in the towel. But if you want to build a business - a REAL and profitable business - don't make desperate decisions. If you need money quickly, consider selling on eBay, offering a service where you get paid for your time or even get a good ol' fashioned job. But if you approach your business with desperation, it will make it hard for you to follow-through on those activities that will mean LONG-TERM growth for your business. Trust me, sticking with it is well-worth it in the long run. 6. About Learning & Buying Training Materials:
Once you have your plan together, you'll have a better idea of what type of learning or training materials you should seek out or buy. If you're working on your affiliate program, you don't need to buy that " Instant Millions with Google Adwords with Your Hand Tied Behind Your Back" ebook that is being touted by everyone with an Internet marketing list (Okay, even if you're working on pay-per-clicks you probably still don't need something with that type of title anyway..hehehe). Keep it focused and again, follow-through on your plan. 7. Evaluate & Improve:
It's kind of funny, but over the past few years of working with online entrepreneurs, I've noticed that so many who struggle don't follow this step. They just keep doing the same ol' thing and hope for a different result. Or if they get some success, they have trouble building on it. It's because they don't evaluate and improve. The message is simple, but it doesn't work unless you put it into action: - If you do something that results in a profit or step forward for your business - keep doing more of it.
- If you do something that doesn't help your business, stop doing it.
We're all creatures of habit and sometimes it's easy to get into a rut of doing what feels comfortable. But comfortable isn't what's going to pay the bills...challenge yourself to improve your marketing plan ALL the time.
Sweetie Saturday Winners: The Odds Were GREAT...Here's the Three
Here are the three winners of the Blog Starter Pack (created by my favorite techy Lynette Chandler) are: - Stephanie Trahd
- Cynthia Perkins
- Jen of favorite-puppy-names.com
Congratulations! To claim your prize, please send your first and last name...plus an email address where you'd like to be contacted to Mel at news @ internetmarketing.com. She'll get you all set up. BTW - This weekend, look for another limited release report ( remember this one that people seemed to really like?) ...coming this Saturday.
What Had Me In Stitches Last Night: Silly Sunday
Last night, while watching a Saturday Night Live repeat, I saw Andy Samberg & Chris Parnell's "Lazy Sunday" video. I was in tears over this. I tried to find the video on YouTube and, of course, it wasn't anywhere to be found due to NBC's usual cease and desist notices. I went to NBC.com and I was thrilled that I actually saw the video was there! I clicked play. I was treated to a 30 second commercial and THEN a notice that "This content is unavailable in your area." LAME-O! They can afford the bandwidth for their ad, but not for their content that would keep me watching. So, I found the video on AOL Video (streaming from Google Video). It's all about the Hamiltons!
WIN! – No More Excuses for NOT Making Your Own Kick Butt Blog
Blogging is the “in” thing to do these days – all the cool kids are doing it! So, if you’re still hanging with the outcast crowd, but want to move into the coolness aura, what are you waiting on? This week’s giveaway can help you create a kick butt blog that others will envy. Here’s what you need to do in order to be one of 3 winners of the Blog Starter Pack. 1. Visit the website to see what all is included in this product. 2. Leave your name in the comment section to place your entry. 3. All entries must be received by Sunday, December 9, 2007 at 10PM PST. Not sure if you’ve still got time? Find out what time it is now here on the west coast by clicking here. 4. Return to the blog on Monday to see if you’re a winner! Happy Blogging!
Sometimes It’s Good to Laugh: Freebie Friday
Last week on a whim, I posted a little Internet Marketing Comic. It’s Friday and I’m in the mood for some more laughs, how about you? Let’s start the weekend off right! As an Internet Marketer, it’s all to easy to feel as if no one (except your online pals) understand exactly what you do all day at home. It’s like being an alien and trying to explain what exactly it is you do online every day. Well, these comics definitely give you a sense of belonging! Check out more of them here for free here! Warning: You may want to shield your monitor and keyboard because some of them are bound to make you spew your drink out your nose. Have a look, #14 and #15 are two of my favorites. I'm sure MANY people can related to #14...LOL.
PLR Update: All Finance Content Has Arrived!
If you're in a finance-related or if you own a website that provides any money-management content...here's some good news. THE GOOD NEWS: We want to take over a huge chunk of your workload, so you can concentrate on selling more stuff! Mila and I pleased to announce the latest addition to the All Private Label Content Family designed solely to help you generate more leads and turn those into sales. Get all the details and an introductory special offer at All Finance Content. Offer expires Thursday, December 13, 2007.
Your Blog Content Rocks, But Is It Readable?: Three Thoughts Thursday
The three thoughts I wanted to share tonight aren’t anything earth-shattering and you’ve probably heard it before in regards to writing for your website and for writing articles. But after experiencing extreme eye-fatigue after visiting a few blogs tonight (boo hoo!), I thought three thoughts were in order. Just because you’re writing on an informal blog or journal, doesn’t mean you can throw readability out the window. Not to sound like a snob, but here are some tips for formatting your blog posts for easy readability:1. Use bold subheadlines: It’s no secret the majority of your visitors will scan the pages they visit before actually reading them through. With bold subheadings, it’s easier for readers to see what you’re writing as their eyes shoot in hyper speed down the posts. If they see something they like, they’ll stay, if not they’ll leave. Simple as that. 2. Bullet or numbered points are your friends: We all know what it’s like to get emails where the sender has typed everything in one big paragraph. Confusing to say the least, right? On your blog (and other web pages) it’s always easier to keep your readers attention if you break things up by making an easy-to-read and scan bulleted list. 3. Keep the paragraphs and sentences short: Short, sweet and to the point…there’s a reason that saying is so popular. Everyone is busy these days and therefore this last thought is one that your readers will surely appreciate. Say what you need to say in as least amount of words possible and use plenty of white space to reduce eye-strain.
More Dirt & Behind the Scenes – Another SIDEWAYS Tough Question Tuesday
We’ve done it in reverse and sideways, but today let’s bend to the other side for Tough Question Tuesday. I’ve known Mila Sidman for a couple of years, but started working closely with her about a year and a half ago. We’ve started with our All Private Label Content projects and were the original creators of the Moms Talk Network, which now has a great new owner (Yea Kelly!). Anyway, Mila is one of the most motivated and sharpest marketing mamas that I know. She’s also a ”great writer” (as quoted by world-class copywriter Michel Fortin) and I am always in awe of her ability to manage all our writers at All Custom Content. In short, Mila ROCKS and I’m thankful every day to have such an easy going…yet motivated business partner. That may sound like an oxymoron, but if you think about it, really it’s not. We both want to accomplish a lot, work hard to do it...but now family, sanity and health come first. If you’d like to get inside the mind of this awesome business partner of mine, join us for Sideways Question Tuesday: Ask her about working with me, any dirty little secrets she has on me, how she manages our team so well or even grab a few writing tips from her. Just a few simple rules. - I know I have to be a party pooper sometimes, sorry! ;-) Keep your questions short, sweet and to the point. Mila is a very busy lady, not to mention she is on the other side of the world, so keep your questions simple and precise so as not to keep her up too late! Post your questions today (Tuesday) only. Mila will be around later today to answer your questions, so ask your questions and come back later to see what gleam of light she can shed for you. Have fun!
Silly Sunday: Marketing Rules
Internet Marketing Definitions Update: .htaccess, vlog, microsite, permalink and more
Spam My Blog with Your Holiday Pics!
We'll be back with a great giveaway next week, but this week I wanted you to post your links to a symbol of your holiday celebration. Here's ours.... Feel free to link to yours in the comments area. Note: Please use simple HTML to link to the picture on your website. (i.e. use an "a href" tag).