“Thanks to your tips, I got a "hit" on my first self written press release. I got an e-mail interview with a local newspaper. It is just what I needed to put wind in my sails! Thank you” Kathy Danner www.PBandJAHM.com
I love it when a plan comes together, don’t you? Congratulations Kathy and here’s to even more positive exposure for your business.
In case you’re still wondering why press releases are important to your business, here’s just a few perks:
- More Valuable Than Advertisements. When people see or read a story in the news, they find them more believable than commercials or ads that they know are being paid for.
- Reach Specific Markets With a press release you can easily tweak your releases to target different publications for various groups within your market.
- Backlinks for Online Businesses When you create a press release for online submission, you can use your keywords so that when people search for those keywords they find your press release. Plus, online press releases are an opportunity for links back to your website.
- They Are FREE! A press release costs you nothing and in return you can gain huge publicity for you & your business. As a small business, you can’t beat affordable.
As you might now, I do have a course, perfect for online entrepreneurs that helps them start their first press release campaign. If you haven’t seen it before, definitely check it out.
If you still feel daunted about writing your own press release from scratch and don’t want to shell out hundreds of dollars for a professionally written one, we have some time in store for you at All Private Label Content coming in September. Keep your eyes peeled and ensure you’re sign up for my blog updates so you’ll know when it’s available.
“What suggestions do you have for absolute needs as far as software is concerned for online businesses?”
I’ve recently updated one of my FAQ’s to let you know what I think are the must-have programs for netpreneurs and you can see it here. Over the years, it seems my list gets smaller and smaller…marketing savvy seems to reign supreme over the bells and whistles.
I just finished sending this to my Internet Marketing Prescriptions subscribers, but in case you missed it or haven’t signed up yet, you can read it here:
Recently one of my subscribers, Kathy Danner, told me she wanted to sell advertising on her website. She wanted to know what the difference between hits and visitors was and what she should tell her potential advertisers.
I’ve answered that question and more on the FAQ about selling advertising on your website. Check it out here:
One last thing, if you’ve ever wondered the whole Internet Marketing Sweetie thing came about, keep your eyes open for another email from me this week.
You can turn your ZERO stats into steady cash by trying out Mike’s program where you’ll learn secrets from some of the top affiliate marketers online. Or, simply sign up for my free affiliate marketing tips to cut your learning curve and take it easy on your budget.
It’s a little late, given it’s already August, but I often hear of people talking about the summer slow down when it comes to online business. And I recently had this discussion at Mom Masterminds, so I thought I’d bring it up.
If you face a slow down, you need to ask yourself if it’s your market or you who is slowing down? If you want your business to continue to grow during the summer months, you have to take the reins and keep pushing forward with your efforts. I honestly think a slow down in any non-seasonal business has a lot to do with the amount of time and focus you put into it. Whether that means you need to work more or you need to hire assistants to help keep the pace going, the bottom line is if you slow down, your business will more than likely do the same.
Of course, if you’re business is an online American-based winter sports equipment store, it stands to reason that you’d face a summer slow down. If you’re in a market like that, what can you do to add new products or promotions to keep things steady?
Many people who face a slow down in Summer come to the conclusion, “People just aren’t on the Internet as much in Summer.” I see no evidence to indicate that. And Google’s quarterly stats from 2006 certainly don’t show that either. More and more people are coming online ALL the time.
Every business has times when we slow down a bit, just like we have months when we soar, but it doesn’t have to be slow just because it’s summer. What do you do to keep business moving in the right direction during summer months?
Enough Tagging Me, Here's My Meme: Balancing Home & IM
I’ve been getting tagged a lot lately and now it’s my turn to put some people on the spot. The first ever Internet Marketing Sweetie Meme is…Top 5 Tips for Balancing Home & Online Business.
Here’s mine:
1. Don’t Expect Perfection I’m not saying that things don’t have to be done and done well, but instead realize that you can’t do everything and you can’t get it all done at once.
2. Outsourcing Get some of the tasks that you don’t have to do or don’t like doing in your business off your plate. The relief you’ll feel knowing your business is not stalling and your family isn’t feeling left out is wonderful.
3. Turn the computer OFF completely for most of the day. By turning the PC off unless I’m working, I don’t have the urge to jump online during the day when I need to be spending time with my family. They have my undivided attention when the computer is off and business has my undivided attention when the computer is on. I also feel more refreshed and focused when I get back on the computer.
4. Plan regular family outings. This allows me to have no business distractions at all. I get to focus completely on my family and enjoy my time away. I get to be mom, wife…me minus the entrepreneur hat.
5. Work with the right people. I make it a point to work with those who appreciate and share my values. Those who understand the importance of family and a personal life make my work easier and less stressful, which my family loves, just as much as I do!
Now’s the time for me to play TAGGER! So, you’re it now:
Note: If you’ve been tagged, simply use the copy & paste text below and fill in the blanks with your great tips for balancing home and online business. When you paste the code on your site you will see a text box for those you tag to use. You’ll need to enter your name and link in the appropriate places within that text box – and don’t forget to include your tips too!
I’m often asked for my thoughts on possible domain names, so I thought I’d share my thoughts on choosing a domain name. People always seem to want to find the “perfect” domain name, but overthink it too much and you may never find what you want or find that what you want is already scooped.
Here are my thoughts:
Stick with .com Extensions People are used to .com at the end; many type it without even thinking. Unless your business is a specific organization that is more likely to have a different domain extension, such as .edu, .gov, or if you market to a specific country (.ca, .co.uk, etc.) you’ll definitely want to stick with a .com extension for your site.
Often people tell me, “Well, the .com of what I want isn’t available, so I want to get .net.”
Sure, go ahead, but realize that by purchasing .net, you’ll probably end up sending a lot of traffic to the .com site because you’re visitors keep typing in the domain name wrong!
Keep it Short and Memorable Many times people want to encompass everything about their website into their domain name.
For example: loseweightwithherbsandexercise.com
Okay, that’s a bit extreme, but they want to make sure the name shows it’s about weight loss with herbs and exercise, creating a really long, hard to remember and easy to misspell domain name. Ultimately, it’s your marketing that will tell your potential and current visitors what you’re site is all about. It doesn’t all have to be in the domain name. And take it to the extreme, when you first heard google.com – did you immediately think search engine? Probably not.
Be Careful With Numbers If it fits your business and you must use the actual digits, be sure you also purchase the domain with the spelled out version of the number, along with any common misspellings too.
For example: funover50.com and funoverfifty.com
You can redirect all of them to the main URL. By doing this you’re making it easier for people to find you when you market yourself offline, through word of mouth or other publicity, everyone will get the right domain no matter how they hear it.
If picking your domain name is holding you back from starting your project – cut it out! Get that domain name, create a great product or service and get marketing!
About 5 years ago, I signed up for a mailing list from the "FlyLady" who helped busy women organize their days and make sure everything got done. Holy smokes...this woman emailed tons and I was in complete overwhelm. I unsubscribed.
The typically whining Internet marketer would have stated, "She is missing out big time. She emails too much and I hit the unsubscribe button."
I said no such thing. I realized I wasn't her target market.
I’m hoping this video is still available as you’re reading this. If it’s not, that means party poopers, Metallica have had it removed since they’re stinkers when it comes to having fun with their music. For those of you who love Sponge Bob, (who doesn’t?!) enjoy! And if you want a good laugh check out the video responses for more chuckles!
People are so anxious to protect their copyright and though I think you should be aware of who is using your stuff illegally and we should respect copyrights of others, there is a fine line.
Think about song lyrics, for instance. How many times have you looked up song lyrics online? Heck, a good friend and I have a silly game where we reply to each other’s emails using song lyrics. Yes, I know it sounds odd, but it makes perfect sense to us.
Because of this, I’m often looking up lyrics to songs online and find myself perturbed when I come across the top 10 sites listed in Google that have no lyrics for the song I want. This is one case where it’s NOT the webmasters being shady and hoping to get rankings for certain keywords just to make a killing with Adsense. In these cases where the lyrics have disappeared, the songwriters have sent cease and desist notices and have ruined all the fun. Lyrics are a huge part of appreciating music, but they aren’t the music itself and I would think having the lyrics available online would help generate more interest, right?
Bringing this back to Internet marketing - sometimes people go overboard in protecting their intellectual property. No, I’m not saying let people walk all over you and take anything they want of yours, but stop and think about whether what they might be using could actually help generate more buzz for your business. If so, let ‘em have it! Make it clear what they can and can’t use and you’re likely to gain a few friends and a few bucks.
As an Internet marketer, it’s very easy to sign up for a ton of email lists trying to learn everything you can and be “in the loop” too. However, by keeping up with everything, many of us find ourselves buried in a sea of IM emails that we’ll never even read.
If you feel overwhelmed by all the IM-related email in your inbox, promos for the same products, the same tips and suggestions from different marketers, the same news stories, etc, you can get it all in a nice digest format at IMNewswatch.com. You’ll even find new and interesting blogs and newsletters to read in the process.
Clean out your inbox of all the lists you never read and sign up for IM Newswatch’s private mailing list. Oh yeah, while you’re cleaning out all the junk and repeated stuff, don’t unsubscribe from mine of course! :-) You'd miss out on too much great stuff if you did that.
Just Monday, I mentioned Nicole Dean’s affiliate programs that don’t suck article at FreeAffiliateArticles.com. Today I was browsing over at Kelly’s (yep Miss McCausey herself) blog and see another affiliate program that doesn’t suck.
They already have an awesome payout for their affiliates and a rockin’ affiliate center full of resources, but to create a contest that rewards not 1, not 2, not even just 3, but tons of affiliates who are willing to actually promote their product is definitely “non-sucky” in my book.
If you aren’t signed up for the affiliate program at Menu Planning Central, head on over and see what they’ve got to offer. But hurry the contest ends at the end of this month.
This is what I just sent to subscribers of my Internet Marketing Prescriptions Newsletter. Here it is again in case you missed it or aren’t subscribed to the list. If you aren’t…WHY NOT? You don’t know what you’re missing. :)
When speaking to other Internet marketers, one of the common things they talk about is having too much to do, feeling overwhelmed or feeling like they’re going to go over the edge.
Oh yeah – I have felt that, even as early as last week.
With all my talk about outsourcing, you’d think I’d have this under control. But what we do in our business always requires constant evaluation and reworking. You see, over the past few months as we’ve worked on improving things and even adding new projects, I kept adding more and more to my to do list. I felt like I was drowning and didn’t even realize why.
So, here’s what I did:
1. I wrote that really long to-do list. 2. I looked at it and immediately marked the things that should be given to my VA or some other qualified professional.
The result: A much smaller to-do list.
Some of the things I passed off included
- Reviewing testimonials and posting them on various websites - Posting articles for our affiliates to publish - Downloading PayPal histories and shopping cart reports - Other tasks that I didn’t need to be doing.
Whether you’re already outsourcing or thinking of getting started…write that list out and start delegating. Your blood pressure will thank you for it.
By the way, now that I’ve cleared my plate, I’ll have more time to get the full Outsourcing Sweetie Course together. In the meantime, you can start receiving outsourcing tips for free here:
And don’t forget…those on my tips list always receive a discount, so be sure to start receiving your tips today. You’ll be the first to know when I get the full course completed.
Stealing the wording from Nicole Dean, it’s really tough to find good pay-per-lead programs. Sure, you can earn $4 by giving away a free laptop or get $20 for a life insurance lead, but have you ever been on the other side of this process?
The free laptop (or Burberry bag or what have you) survey is a series of hoops (pages and pages of questions and the requirement to sign up for more offers) your readers have to go through…and most of them will probably be annoyed by the time they get to the prize. Unless, your readers signed up to take surveys for free stuff, you might wanna stay clear.
Is the high pressure and reselling of contact information that comes with the higher payouts of life insurance, etc…really worth it?
I’d like to be so bold as to suggest, that mine & Mila’s Moms Talk Network Affiliate Program is one pay-per-lead program that doesn’t suck. Basically, our affiliates refer others to sign up for one of our mailing lists or free guides. In return for each sign up they refer, the affiliate receives 25 cents. Sure, the payout is lower…but the conversions are generally higher AND you can feel good about the follow up your readers will receive.
Do you know of any PPL affiliate programs that DON’T suck?
While browsing Lynn Terry’s blog, ClickNewz, I came across her post about Generation Y being the most entrepreneurial in history. Wow, I thought us Generation Xers were doing a pretty good job myself. ;-)
Looks like Inc.com did a story about the top 30 under 30 business owners. In all seriousness, I think it is so cool. Some of these business owners are still babies and look at them…they’ve got very successful businesses.
Here’s just a few that really impressed me.
At # 10-12 on the list, Dave & Catherine Cook (19 and 17 respectively), along with their older brother Geoff started a site for teens back in 2005, which means both of them were under 18 when they began. Impressive!!
Even more impressive is who got the #2 spot. At the tender age of 14 (he couldn’t even drive yet) Sean Belnick started an office furniture store that is now worth over $24 million dollars. Check him out!! He now sells to places like the Pentagon, Microsoft, and American Idol.
I say good for them, but I wonder if they will do Coolest 40 under 40 anytime soon? Heehee…not that I’ll be on that list, but hey you never know! A girl can dream can’t she and I’m cool right?
I was just thinking about the difference in my workday now in comparison to when I first got started on. Yep, reflection time. If you don’t stop to think about where you’ve come in your business every now and again, you should. It’s a great motivator.
I’ve always considered myself technologically challenged, but people don’t always believe me.
Well, I’ve come a long way baby! :-)
I remember when I first started and I couldn’t figure something out. It was horrible. I’d screw something up I couldn’t fix or I’d do something and think it was right only to find that it wasn’t and I had to redo it from scratch…I know some of you know what I’m talking about don’t you? It’s OK, no need to slouch down in your chairs, no one can see you! ;-)
It seemed like every day I’d burst into tears, chasing down my husband and demanding he fix it for me (and often, he could since he’s a computer nerd). But now, I’ve pretty much got it under control and I rarely cry anymore.
So, how about you? What has changed about your workday since you first started?
Yesterday I sent this email to my Internet Marketing Prescriptions subscribers. Focus is a HUGE part in becoming successful as an online business owner. In case you missed it or haven't had a chance to read it yet, I'll give you another chance now:
Remember last week when I asked you to “step off the project train” and gave you some tips to improve things in your business? Well this week I want to talk about another thing that tends to hold entrepreneurs back when it comes to improving their online business. FOCUS!
(To see how important focus really is, you can ACTUALLY count how many times I write in this email. :-) Once you’re done counting come back, read it again and really see how this message relates to you and your business. I think you’ll find it VERY helpful.)
So many people jump on the Internet marketing business train thinking it’ll be a piece of cake to make money online. But the sad fact is, many of these same people are giving up on their business every single day due to a lack of focus. Or they simply plug along at mediocrity because they can’t commit to any one project.
One of the things that plays a part in this is spending too much time chasing guru after guru and trying to duplicate what they are doing, but don’t have a clue HOW to do it. Or worse yet, listening to gurus who are telling you WHAT to do, but don’t do it themselves.
In the process of all this chaos, many business owners discover they are running themselves in circles. They missed the one important part of creating a successful, thriving business. That one thing, you guessed it…they lost their focus, or worse yet, they never had it to begin with. Or they’re just too darned busy to perfect anything to achieve maximum profit.
Staying on your intended target is a huge part of any business, but with an online business it’s all too easy to jump from one thing to another without seeing any of their projects through. You’ve got one person telling you one thing, another telling you something else and you get to a point where you just want to give up because you’re on information or idea overload.
When you really (and I mean really) dedicate yourself to what you really want from your business and the important elements that will take you there, you’re guaranteed to keep those doors open longer.
As a business coach, Kelly knows all too well how many business owners like you and me, have a great idea, but due to lack of focus never get to see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That’s why in her new and improved Power of a Focused Business, she takes 3 online business owners and makes them case studies to prove that once you learn to focus on important aspects of your business, you might just be the lucky leprechaun who reaches that pot of gold. ;-)
In the audio, Kelly not only talks about how important focusing in business is, but she also answers questions from online business owners just like you, who want to know things like
- When is it ok to launch a new project?
- If I get too focused, won’t that mean I have blinders on and shouldn’t try new things at all?
- I know I need to focus, but what do I do with all these things I’ve begun? How do I know what to go forward with and what to pass on?
Kelly will show you how staying focused can only make your business better. Watch your business soar, with you at the helm enjoying every minute of it.
On the cutting age of the latest technology known to humankind, I've developed a fool-proof way to get rid of Blog Bullies & Forum Liars. Simply copy and paste the code to your blog or forum and BAM, it will instantly repel all bullies and liars.
Okay, it won't really do that...but have some fun with it anyway.
And no, no link back is required. In fact, please don't link those images back to me or your visitors will think you're talking about me! However, if you want to link to this entry somewhere, so people can get their graphics or you want to link to my blog - go for it. I won't stop ya.
It has been a while, since I've shared the wacky things in my blog stats showing which keyword phrases people enter to get to this blog. Let's play another round now:
vitamins mlm direct: Sorry, not available here.
jason moffatt: Ahem...no not here and I'm much prettier
bare feet blog: Ummm, no but I think Peggy had a similar website on King of the Hill
slouch sock galleries: So weird. I mentioned an 80s party a couple years ago and people keep obsessing over slouch socks!
wear barefeet: I see a recurring theme, but why the heck not?! Kick those shoes off right now.
ebay cons: I am NOT!
what to wear your first day of work: PAJAMAS!
jim edwards ebooks filetype pdf: Some stinker trying to steal Jim's stuff.
cocaine for sale on the internet: Are you KIDDING me?
shoes or bare feet: My vote is bare feet, where possible.
alice internet: Yes, I do still own it and even invented it.
pizza sweetie: Hmmm...an idea for my next website!
internet millionaires in Canada: Nope, not quite yet.
socks, shoes or bare feet: I'm still in for bare feet.
thanks for lunch: You're welcome!
$15000 free no string attach: Yeah, that happens every day.
make for loving you baby: Is this related to the 80s party?
rich jerk sexist: Uh...no kidding!
cold bare feet all year round: I'm sorry to hear that. :-(
free download juice boosted: Are you kidding? People are still searching for that garbage? I guess so, cuz someone bought up the domain and is posting ads all over it.
miss international canada 2007 alice: He he...wasn't me!
I must say, these are pretty tame in comparison to my mom-related blog, but I don't think I can share what some sickos think about mamas. Yikes! I blush every time I look at my stats.
And hey, if you're looking at your stats and seeing the keyword phrases, also look at themost popular pages. That will tell you a lot about where you're under-monetizing your website. For me, I think I need to write an ebook about bare feet...LOL! :-)
I guess I'm spending a bit of negative energy as of late, talking about negative people and negative action. Last week, it was Blog Bullies and this week it is Forum Liars. But I write about these things in order to share a dialog with people who might be victims of these icky Internet characters.
This week, I'm just shaking my head in disbelief regarding the lies I see people make on forums.
Over the weekend, there was a guy on a forum who claimed he made nearly 3 million dollars in the past year and he wrote a post to slyly promote an upcoming product/coaching product, or whatever undisclosed plan he had. He wrote it under the guise of just offering free information and he wasn't selling anything. However, he was collecting email addresses for additional information.
But we know people do that every day. Self-promotion is rampant and even though it irks me, it's not the real issue to me. It's the guy's income claim. This is the same guy who, just a month or so prior, had trouble fulfilling some ghostwriting obligations he had made to the forum members. He said his writer took off with the money and now he was going to complete all the orders, but he needed time. Well, if I was a guy with nearly 3 mill burning a whole in my pocket, I'd either issue refunds or get some new ghostwriters on it. Maybe that's just me.
What puzzled me is that people blindly accepted his claim...when his history was clear to see in his forum profile. And there were other posts in his profile to throw even more doubt on his claim, but the first doubt was enough for me.
And what puzzled me even more, is that some of his advice in the thread was half-decent. Why the over-bloated income claim? Most of the people on that forum are struggling just to make $50 or $100 per day...why go so overboard? Or better yet, why not tell the truth?
Then there was another guy who presented an idea for a product and asked members if they would buy it. Another self-promotional post without any value being offered to members. This time, members put their hackles up and criticized the idea.
The guy then turns around and says that he's surprised by the reaction. Although, he hasn't made a lot of posts on the forum, he says he "joined years ago". But a bit of quick math that shows he made a total of 6 posts, giving him an average of 0.3 posts per day...indicating he has NOT been a member for years.
Again, why lie? And especially, why lie when it's easy to check your claims?
The Internet is filled with honest Internet marketers, but unfortunately, there are plenty that don't have your best interests at heart. If you're blindly listening to advice from someone on a forum, do some homework. Check their profile, do an Internet search and learn more about them...you might be surprised by what you find.
And hey about you? What's your most unbelievable experience with a Forum Liar?
Interesting read and I’m with John, the least amount of numbers the better, unless of course it’s in the form of dollars. ;-) Seriously though, I have to agree that it might do you some good to think about how much your customers are worth over their lifetime with you. But that’s not what got me thinking so much as WHY you should think about your customers and their lifetime value to your business.
Keeping track of how much your customer is worth, so to speak, is a good thing, but do you know HOW to make them lifetime customers in the first place?
As I mentioned in my post last week about jumping the project train, if you stop trying to create new projects all the time, you leave yourself room to focus on what you already have and improve upon it.
Take that one step further and think about how your customer will grow with your business. For instance, let’s say you have a site that discusses how to care for your own vegetable garden. You want to market to those who’ve never had a garden before, but what happens when you have a customer who has been with you long enough to know the basics and now they're ready for something more?
Do you have something to offer them next? Take a few minutes and think about that question and then come up with one thing you can do to take your customer to the next level.
Like You Needed to Learn More - 8 Random Facts about Me
I've been tagged by Angela Wills to provide you 8 random facts about myself. I believe I've done a meme like this before, but what the heck...now I'll give more reason to wonder why you ever got out of bed to read my blog today.
LOL - Just kidding. I don't think I'm THAT boring, so here goes (following Angela's lead - lazy me just took her stuff and applied to my own life):
1. I have a Bachelor of Arts from Simon Fraser University (SFU) with a double major in History & Archaeology. I haven't specifically used any of the knowledge in any real-life job, but the research & writing skills have some in more than handy.
2. My first business, apart from the toy sale I had in Grade 5, was an ESL(English as a Second Language) tutoring business in my mid-20s. My next business brought me to the Internet at 30 when I joined Usborne Books and sold kids books with the direct sales company.
3. I am not from Newfoundland land, but rather from British Columbia, Canada. I was born here and lived here all my life. The Vancouver area of B.C. has been voted as the most livable cities in the world and a large part of our population has moved here from somewhere else, so they think it's odd than I'm a "born and raised".
4. I'm the married mom of 2 little boys. They are now 4 and almost 6. The littlest is obsessed with sea creatures (also a bit of a womanizer and already has two wives) and the oldest is growing his bottle cap collection and often pressures his Daddy to have a beer at 10 AM so he can have a new bottle cap.
5. I avoid Internet chatting like the plague. If you get my MSN log in, you'll see I'm never online. However, I do like text messages on my phone, cuz there is less pressure to reply quickly and be stuck in a conversation FOREVER!
6. I also love dancing. From the ABBA dance contests with my friends Kelly (no, not McCausey) and Shannon in grade 3, I've always loved dancing. My most recent fun dancing experience was Bhangra music at an Indian wedding. Those guys know how to party!
7. I am not addicted to membership sites. I love Kelly's (yes McCausey) Mom Masterminds and am awaiting John Reese's income.com, but other than that, I'm an Internet hermit.
8. I did not audition for the Next Internet Millionaire. I once thought I'd like to be on Survivor, but they didn't accept Canadian applications. If I wasn't so ridiculously good-looking, I might go for Canada's Next Top Model. Oh yeah, I imagine I'm a bit beyond the age limit as well.
BONUS RANDOM FACT! Value: $1 billion
Yes, for acting fast and reading this blog entry, I'm going to give you one bonus random fact about myself...
I am a HUGE movie buff. Of course, you may already know this, but since Friday, I have watched 7 movies:
Simpsons Hot Rod American Psycho Evan Almighty Bourne ultimatum Sideways One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
There you go, now you know it ALL.
EDIT:Doh, I forgot to tag people. I guess that's part of the meme. Tagged are: - Vera Raposo - Mila Sidman - Rob Sellen - cuz he needs a positive focus. :-) - Jen Houck
You’ll receive 15 PLR articles on the topic of Real Estate. From buying, selling and everything that comes with the territory, you’re sure to have plenty of quality content for your real estate market. And you can pick up the bundle for the low price of only $12.75.
3 New Research Bundles
Each of these bundles includes research on 15 different areas covered by the topic that you can use to write your own content on the following topics for only $7.99.
Reminder: We’ve also included affiliate program suggestions to help you monetize your content. And…you’ll receive a full month’s access to the members only forum for each bundle you purchase too!
Did you know there is a holiday that celebrates sisters? Yep, and this year Sister’s Day falls on August 12th.
As a day for to celebrate actual sisters, sisters in friendship, business and just about anybody that can be considered your sister, this is a great time to generate sales for your business too!
In case you need a hand getting the creative juices flowing for your Sister’s Day marketing, here’s a couple ideas:
2 for 1 Special (for your customers and their sister)
Makeover your products with a sister theme
Make a suggested gift list for sisters
Put your thinking caps on and come up with some of your own creative Sister Day sales ideas. I’m looking forward to seeing them.
I know the popular term is “trolls”, but when it comes to trolls on blogs, I like to call them “blog bullies”.
Unfortunately, if you’re going to work online you will, at one point or another, be dealing with these nasty individuals who get a kick out of trying to bring you down. As hard as it might be (no one likes to get attacked personally), you have to get a thick skin and suck it up sometimes.
Here are some more tips for coming out on top when it comes to blog bullies:
Realize the more it happens, the more you get used to it. It sounds easier said than done, but your skin will get thicker and you might even feel sorry for these people who apparently have no lives.
Focus on the positive people who appreciate you and what you have to offer. These are the people you work for every day. The blog bullies are a waste of time.
Outsource your comment moderation, emails and support tickets. Your assistant can ditch the nasty comments so you never have to see them and let them get you down.
We just had to deal with a blog bully on another blog. The incident sparked a few blog entries you can read below: