I am really amazed by all the detailed answers provided for this week's Sweetie Saturday Giveaway. Everyone put so much thought into it...it was tough to decide on a winner.
First, I have a few comments & helpful (hopeful words) for the entrants and then I'll announce the winners:
Robert Ragan: First of all, nice to see you again. I think it's been a while! You definitely have a very useful website on genealogy and what a cool subject. Do you have a mailing list somewhere? I didn't see one and I'd really recommend (as I'm sure you know!) that you have a way to keep in touch with your visitors long after they're gone.
Also, at the end of each article, you seem to link to more resources on your site - which is great - but are there some relevant products you can also include there that carry an affiliate commission? Your articles are really detailed and very helpful...but if you can just leave out a little bit out and direct them to a product where they can get more complete information or tools to meet their objective, I bet you'll see some more income coming in.
Erin: I absolutely agree with you on today's consumer society...it makes it really tough to stay organized. Your site Home Organize It is much-needed resource.
One thing to realize is that so many moms feel too busy to get organized. Of course, if you're organized - you take a lot of things off your plate, so taking the time to be organized is IMPORTANT - but many of us can't slow down to consider that. Just like when you actually did the organizing for people, you might want to try to think of away to bring in the "work is done for you" type of stuff online. No, you can't virtually reach through your visitor's computer screens and organize their homes. But think about it...which products could you create or promote as an affiliate that makes organizing a near no-brainer? Advice is good, but the tools to make it easy are even better...you can combine both into your business.
Emilie Nottle: You have some very nice designs and good for you on making good design affordable AND effective for your clients. I really appreciate that your company takes the time and effort to create a marketing-smart presence for your clients by working with copywriters, making an effort to make the websites sticky, etc. MOST designers don't do that and they charge more.
Your pricing is really reasonable, but not too dirt cheap. Of course, I don't know what your costs are, so make sure you're getting paid well for your time. It's nice to be helpful to those on a budget, but it needs to be worthwhile for you, right? :-)
Aurelia Williams: I am so proud of you and am amazed at the great strides you've been taking in your business. We've known each other for over 4 years now and it's great to see the growth in our businesses. I know that everything you do is to help - whether it's women, parents of teens or teens themselves - it is AWESOME! I also know that you have made changes from spending a lot of time helping people one-on-one to making your life a whole lot easier by working for the "greater good" and increasing your profits at the same time. Great job!
Denise Willms: Your building a business helping work at home moms get noticed. That's terrific. One thing that struck me is you said that you personally review and edit each article. Obviously, you should be going through content before publishing on your site (it reflects on you!), but be careful that you don't get bogged down in all the little details and get away from the bigger picture of gaining more exposure for the directory and turning more profit.
Tamo Willsat: What an interesting project. Who knew there was scientific evidence to back-up the Internet Marketing Sweetie concept? ;-) You mentioned the issue of raising funds and you'll definitely want to come up with a solid plan that shows how people will benefit from contributing. Sometimes the "being nice" thing is a tough sell, but when you show them how it benefits them, it can help.
Your site is very academic and I assume you are targeting an academic audience. But if you wanted to reach others with your message, you could certainly come up with new marketing plans to reflect the audience you're seeking. Best of luck to you!
stlva4u: Awesome! There is no competition - they're your potential partners. And good for you for keeping an eye out and protecting your community.
Charlotte: Your hydroponic gardening site is beautiful and so well organized. You've done a great job. The project at school sounds like fun and could definitely help bring exposure to hydroponics in your community. I notice that your "supplies", "grow systems", etc. links at the top go to helpful articles, but it might be an idea to really showcase the products that are being promoted in those articles. Include some pictures, descriptions, etc...sell those products!
So, Who Wins?
Well, everyone had great answers but I must make a decision. The winners are:
- Emilie Nottle: The web designer who is serious about her client's success. - Charlotte: Who is spreading the word about eco-friendly horticulture. Emilie and Charlotte, you can claim your prize by emailing news @ internetmarketingsweetie.com - Please include "Internet Marketing Sweetie Prize" in the subject line. Mel will take great care of you, but please remember that it's still the weekend and she'll get back to early in the week.
Congrats everyone on your Sweetie-friendly businesses!
I woke up today wondering what I should share on Silly Sunday, but a quick trip to Jason Moffatt's blog showed me exactly what I needed.
It's a little spoof on Chris Crocker, an extreme fan of Britney Spears. Apparently, Dr. Mike feels the same way about John Reese (and takes a moment to promote his own product!).
Sweetie Saturday: Internet Marketing Sweetie Could Be Yours!
What better way to celebrate "Sweetie Saturday" than to give away 2 copies of the original Internet Marketing Sweetie course? This is our flagship course that showed that YES, there is no need to be cutthroat to get ahead in your business.
You can win by telling me what you do in your business to help others with the aim to make a profit at the same time. After, we may be Sweeties, but we're still business people with a profit plan. :-)
2. Post 150-400 words in the comments area to show your business helps other people (and is still designed to give a profit back to you!). If you're new business and aren't turning a profit yet, that's okay...just share how you'd like to achieve those goals.
This Friday's freebie is just for the ladies, but have no fear, next week's freebie will be for everyone AND be sure to come back for Sweetie Saturday tomorrow...you won't regret it.
You may have known that I was one of the founders of Mom Masterminds, an amazing resource for any Internet marketing mom. Whether she needs help getting started, wants to tweak her Internet marketing skills and/or wants to connect with other like-minded and success-driven mamas...it is THE place to be.
I recently passed on my part of the business over to Kelly, who was my co-founder in the original project. And even though I am no longer part owner in the project, I am still heavily involved BECAUSE Mom Masterminds is an essential part of my business. Besides, Kelly has done some pretty rockin' things since she got my lazy butt out of there! ;-)
Now, let me back up a bit, in case you aren't familiar with Mom Masterminds. Here's a little tour.
Meet Kelly McCausey & Lynette Chandler:
Kelly & Lynette are your hosts at Mom Masterminds and have put together a resource center filled with Internet marketing education, tools and amazing peer-to-peer support and networking opportunities.
Kelly is your go-to-gal if you need help with finding focus in your business or want to get a little creative with your marketing. Lynette, A.K.A "A Mom Mastemind's Secret Weapon" is the tech-gal that can show you how to cost-effectively make technology work for your business...even if you're a bit of a technophobe like me.
When you take the FREE 7-day preview you are greeted by a special welcome section just for you. You can see a little screenshot below. The ugly red markings were made by me, but I wanted to highlight a few things for you:
At #1: You'll find a helpful welcome message from Kelly. This recording gives you an overview of Mom Masterminds and how to use your membership.
At #2: Fill out the new members questionnaire and post it to the member's forum. This will help you take a helpful inventory for yourself and helps everyone understand where your business is at and where you might need some extra help. Kelly's audio also has some great tips to help you fill this out for best results.
At 3#: Go through the Mom Masterminds Code of Honor. Kelly takes you through the MM Code of Honor step-by-step in the audio, but print out your copy, so you have it handy at all times. This guide gives you further help in using the member resources and making the most of the valuable connections you'll be making with the members of Mom Masterminds. These ladies rock, I tell you!
At #4: Then explore your Preview Resources. During your preview, you'll have access to a carefully selected group of educational materials. The full membership is OVERFLOWING with resources and new members often expressed feelings of overwhelm, so Kelly shaved it down and made the resources much easier to digest in your preview period.
And don't forget about your Special Advisors:
The cool thing about Mom Masterminds, is that is member-led mentorship and the member list includes some of the most successful Internet marketing moms online today. Kelly and Lynette have also hand-picked some special advisors to give you extra guidance when you need it.
On the left, you'll see Kelly & Lynette's team of special advisors including:
- Some girl named Alice Seba...she seems pretty smart to me. ;-)
- Mila Sidman is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to content creation and copywriting, plus she's full of ideas to help you work smarter and not harder.
- Carrie Lauth is a Mom Mastermind's graduate and the homeschooling mom of 4. She definitely knows what it takes to balance a busy family and busy business.
- Nell Taliercio was one of the very first members of Mom Masterminds and has become an incredible asset to those who came after. Her expertise lies in telecommuting and helping moms work from home.
- Darina Loakman was named one of the 50 Most Influential Women in Ireland and brings plenty of helpful advice to the table. One of her favorite topics is building a business on a budget...something moms love to hear!
If you want to learn more and claim your 7-day preview, definitely go to the Mom Masterminds website right now. When you get to the order option near the bottom of the page, click the "Click Here for Instant Mom Masterminds Preview Access" as shown below:
You'll then be taken to a page where you can select your Preview Membership. You just need to include your name, email address, choose a user name and password - then you're off! No credit card information required. If you decide to continue after your 7 day preview, the choice is completely yours!
Just make sure you check the "Mom Masterminds 7 Day Free Preview" option as shown in the picture below:
Again, to get the full details and to choose your free preview, visit the website now.
And then, I'll see you at:
...it might be one of the most important decisions you make for your business.
Last night I tried to order delivery from Swiss Chalet.
Yes, I tried.
And sadly, I failed. Thus, the sad and lonely empty plate. Or more accurately, the technology that their call center relies on failed me.
At first, I wanted to order online. My husband said, "No, don't use the online ordering. Me & Brian did it a couple times and they never receive any special requests you put into the form. The orders came wrong both times. You should call instead."
Bummed out that I had to speak to a customer representative person (oh how little did I now what I was up for), I dialed the phone anyway. When they answered, I said I wanted to make an order for delivery. The friendly girl on the phone took my phone number and then asked for my address.
I gave her my address...including my city and province (Delta, B.C. - a suburb of a large city in Canada).
She asks, "Do you live in blah, blah, blah Nova Scotia?"
(She didn't really say "blah, blah, blah"...I just can't remember the city she said)
I said, "No."
"Do you live in blah, blah, blah Alberta?"
I said, "No."
"Do you live in Dawson Creek?" (And no, she wasn't talking about the TV show Dawson's Creek...there is a city in my province called Dawson Creek. Swiss Chalet isn't THAT nuts)
Of course, I said, "No."
"I'm going to have to transfer you to customer service."
I wait on hold for 5-7 minutes. I put it on speaker phone, so I'm kind of patient, but it's 5:45 by this time and I want my chicken!
So, I hang up and call my local Swiss Chalet. I tell them, "I tried to call your call center and they can't figure out where I live."
It was the bartender who answered. She laughed and was baffled, so she went to talk to the "delivery girls."
The bartender tells me the delivery girls said I have to call the call center. There is nothing they can do. I said can a manager at least call on my behalf to get this sorted out because if I call back, I'm going to get nowhere.
Anyway, it went back and forth, with me never getting my chicken. I guess this is how people feel when they can't download their PDFs...for that, I am very sorry. :-(
As I'm getting ready to head to Atlanta for Armand Morin's BigSeminar, I figured now was a great time to share "three thoughts" on the subject. It has been a couple years since I've attended a seminar, but this will be my 3rd BigSeminar. Armand puts together a first-rate production, so it was definitely my seminar of choice when making the decision to invest money and to travel.
Anyway - these are my Three Thoughts on What NOT to Do at an Internet Marketing Seminar (I'de love your suggestions as well - so feel free to share as many thoughts as you have!):
1. Don't expect to be able to absorb and implement everything that is shared during the seminar. Keep your business plan in mind when you arrive and pay attention to information that will help you maximize your current plan. Don't get distracted with all kinds of new ideas that don't fit in with what you're working on now.
2. Don't go to your hotel room, order room service and watch TV after the daily sessions are over. The most valuable information and connections happen after school's out and attendees get together for networking opportunities.
3. When you do network, don't shove your business down other people's throats. This isn't like speed dating where you have to determine if you want to date/do business with the person you're talking to in 30 seconds. Plant the seeds for long-term relationships...they will serve you well.
Now...after all that negativity, if you want suggestions on how to make the most of attending a seminar, check out this guide, if you haven't already.
What do you do to make the most of your offline networking and learning opportunities?
About two weeks ago, I asked for your outsourcing questions which resulted in a free outsourcing report based on the questions you asked about outsourcing in your own business.
I received an interesting question from Yvonne. It was a little out of the area of discussion for my report, so I didn't include it at the time, but I think it's a great question.
She wrote:
"I am a Virtual Assistant and belong to many VA forums. There are often new VAs there that are just starting out and I have from time to time used these VAs to assist with workload overflow. My biggest question is how do I get these people to understand the value in subcontracting from me?
I have offered work to many VAs (of course at a subcontractor rate) and they say they would rather wait and get a "real" client. First of all I am a real client and I am ready to hand them over the work. They didn't need to market to me as I essentially walked right up to their "door" and said hi I want your services - no marketing or costs involved."
First of all, Yvonne...you are 100% correct. You are a REAL client and you can potentially deliver more work than a single small business client. You are also helping them gain experience, a reference (after all, if they do a good job, I'm sure you're happy to do that) and a little more insight into the VA business in general.
Now, I wonder if their concern is that any potential referrals they would have received working with your clients will go to you. In that case, if they got completely involved in working with you, it might stunt their own business growth.
What you probably need to do is to really iron out the details of your working relationship:
For those hoping to build their own VA businesses, I'd limit the number of hours they can work for you, so they have time to build up other clients.
Have a simple way for them to terminate a contract with you, should they need to.
Be careful with any non-compete clauses you may include in your contract. While you want to ensure they have unable to take your own clients away, you certainly don't want to preclude them growing their own virtual assistant business.
But Is This What You Really Want?
Overall, I wonder if finding budding young VA entrepreneurs are the people you want to have working for you. There are plenty of people simply looking for "work from home" and would be happy to take you up on your offer. Connect with telecommuting websites, forums, etc. and find ways to spread the word about your opportunities.
Side note:Nell Taliercio is a great source of telecommuting information and is in contact with a large group of telecommuters. You might want to start your search there.
You can also put up an "Opportunities" or "Work from Home" section on your own website with information about the opportunities you have and an application form process. Get the word out about that and you'll have plenty of people banging down your virtual door hoping to work for you.
When we first get started online, it can seem overwhelming and we're not quite sure what to do. Have you every knowingly or unknowingly spammed (via email, message board, etc.) to promote your business?
I have, but I'll be back with details later. For now, feel free to share your adventures in spamming! ;-)
Myth Crusher Monday: It's Tough to Maintain a Steady Monthly Income Online
I just sent this out to my subscribers and thought it was perfect for Myth Crusher Monday (a new regular addition to the IM Sweetie blog).
I often see online business owners complain that there income goes through big fluctuations. Many complain of a summer slowdown. Others in the business-to-business market often say things so slow down during the Christmas and the winter holiday season. Others have some trouble keeping any consistency from month to month...and certainly they're not alone in their troubles.
Well, here's just one way to nip that problem in the bud and I've posted my email below:
Have you ever had those times in your online business where you earnings were great one month, but fell flat the next? Or, you have do you often experience a few great months and then seem to flatline?
It's so disheartening, isn't it?
It certainly does NOThave to be that way...
One way to avoid this problem is by instituting continuity programs into your business model. You know, the type of products that people pay for each and every month (or whatever time-frame you set out) - offering you more steady streams of income.
One of my favorite cost-efficient and time-saving ways to achieve this is through membership sites. Whether you're delivering software, tools, content and/or a way for your target market to interact and get help....it's remarkably relatively simple to get a membership site together, if you know what you're doing.
And no, membership sites are definitely not limited to Internet marketing niche. If you are reaching a market that constantly purchases products (and I hope you are), YOU can start a membership site.
For example:
- Scrapbookers are always on the lookout for new & seasonal layouts.
- Dieters need support and extra help to reach their goals.
- Homeschoolers and proactive parents are always searching for educational activities for their children
- Day traders are on the lookout for hot tips and news
- Commission sales people are always looking to improve their salesmanship skills and bring home bigger checks.
Think about it...what is your market looking for?
If you need ideas to get your membership site started and want to learn the behind-the-scenes techy stuff in an easy- to-understand manner, here's good news for you.
Join Lynette Chandler and Kelly McCausey for their Membership Site Intensive Teleseminar...but don't wait and think about. The call takes place tonight, so get on board.
The cost is only 1 little dollar and could potentially help send you many dollars month after month. And yes, if you can't attend live, the mp3 recording will be sent to you.
...it's a great investment into creating a little security in your online business.
Talk to you again soon, Alice Seba Your Partner in Online Business Success
I've put together several membership and subscription models (as have Kelly and Lynette, so they know what they're talking about) and it can make a huge difference to the way income comes into your business. I definitely encourage to implement some type of recurring payment for your customers...and get to Kelly & Lynette's call if you can.
First, I wanted to say thanks to the 6 sweetie who participated in my Sweetie Saturday offer. Each Saturday, I hope to offer a cool giveaway or some kind of sweet deal....and this week was the first one. I kept in on the low-low and I really appreciate the handful of people who participated.
...all win. You can claim your prize by emailing news @ internetmarketingsweetie.com - Please include "Copywriting Sweetie Prize" in the subject line. Mel will take great care of you, but please remember that it's still the weekend and she'll get back to early in the week.
Robin - We'd make a great team...selling in writing is natural to me. In person, I'm not so great. I hope you'll really enjoy this addition to your digital library. I think you'll really like the step-by-step written guide that is included in the package.
Kari - Your new project sounds wonderful and girl's growing up today need as many positive role models and true sources of confidence as the can get. I hope the package will help you get the word out about your project.
Frank - Ha ha...you get the prize for being a funny man.
Anastasia - Kudos to you for carving out a way for you to earn a living for your two children, despite any obstacles that might stand in your way. I do hope the package will help you boost that conversion rate, so you can have some more time with the kids.
Sandy - I know you shall be a good student, grasshopper. And I hope one day the student will surpass the master (LOL...I use the term "master" loosely!). Seriously, thank you for your compliments and study, practice and put it to use. You'll get there.
Stephanie - I'm with you...strong, yet "nice" copy. I hope that your prize will help you and your nephew over-deliver over and over again. Good luck on your project!
Thanks again everyone...I've enjoyed all the responses and look forward to many more Sweetie Saturdays!
Sweetie Saturday: How About a Free Copy of Copywriting Sweetie (Course AND Software)?
How about a little fun this Saturday morning (at least it's morning here on the West Coast of Canada)?
I'm giving away one full copy of the Copywriting Sweetie Course & Software...all you have to do is share WHY you need Copywriting Sweetie added to your learning library.
Here's How it Works:
1. Find out what's included in Copywriting Sweetie by clicking here, so you know what you're getting into!
2. Post 150-400 words in the comments area to illustrate why you NEED Copywriting Sweetie.
"A global community of friends and strangers answering one simple question: What are you doing? Answer on your phone, IM, or right here on the web!"
What a silly thing for an Internet marketer to get involved with, right?
I'd seen the Twitter widgets on Kelly's and other blogs and always thought, "What the heck? What are those people talking about"
Basically, with this service, you create a free account and find people to follow. You'll receive their updates on what they're doing and can even chat a little. You can view messages on the web, by email, via cell phone text message or by a cool Firefox plug in called TwitBin. You can even send private messages, if you want to take something off Twitter.
I tell you - I'm hooked!
Here's what I love about Twitter for business:
1. It helps me with accountability and motivation. If I say I'm working hard on something to my Twitter friends, by golly, I'd better do it!
2. It's reminiscent of being in a "real world" office whre you can chat a bit while you work and connect with co-workers. I just load up my Twitbin on my second monitor and get to work.
3. I hate IM (instant messaging), but still like to feel connected. Twitter is WAY better. With Twitter there is no pressure to keep up conversations when you're supposed to be working. You just talk when you want and don't when you don't want to.
4. It's a supportive environment (at least me and my followers make a nice group!). I can get feedback, encourage people to comment on my blog and do the same for others.
If you're thinking of Twittering, here are my tips:
1. Be involved. Read and respond to others, where appropriate. Don't just post your links all day. Links are TOTALLY fine, but don't make it your only objective or you won't get the most out of Twitter.
2. Follow your followers - but do discriminate. In most cases, if someone follows me, I follow them. If I don't, he or she might address me, but I won't see the message because I didn't choose to follow. The only people I don't follow are the ones who clearly joined to post their links only. I always look at the profile and see what kind of messages to post to see if we're a good fit.
3. Put "@username" before your message when addressing someone. Your followers may not be following the same people as you, so they may have no idea what you're talking about.
Wanna Follow Me?
If you're on Twitter or want to get started, be sure to follow me. My username is imsweetie.
Like I said, I follow just about all my followers. I just check the profile to see if we have similar interests and that the person isn't just there to post links.
Sometimes Mama Was Right When She Said to, “Clean Your Plate”
Let’s talk about those small admin tasks, such as word processing, data entry, bookkeeping, researching, etc. that keep nagging at you for attention, but because they aren’t necessarily profit producing to your business, you tend to put them off to the last minute or worse yet, you never do get around to doing them at all.
If you’re looking for someone to complete these necessary but daunting business tasks for you, try Workaholic4Hire.
If you haven’t heard of Sylvie Fortin, she’s the owner of the site and has put together a great team of professional and work oriented individuals to help with all sorts of business tasks. Sylvie takes pride in all of her contractors and employees and it shows in the quality of their work.
No matter what your outsourcing needs, you communicate with only one person and you can rest assured that because of this all the details of your project will be taken care of promptly and professionally. No need to explain your needs and wishes over and over again in order to get a finished product you can use.
Head on over and check out Workaholics4Hire today and find out how Sylvie and her team can help you clear your plate of some of your business tasks.
You know the importance of having a target market, right? But…just how much do you know? Do you really know what makes them tick? What really makes them jumping to open their wallets and spend their hard earned cash on YOUR product versus someone else’s?
One of the biggest mistakes we can make as online business owners make is not knowing, and I mean REALLY knowing what their target customers want from them. You probably know already that you need to dig a little deeper than just picking a general market. You need to get as much information about your market as possible right?
But you may be asking yourself, how do I do that Alice?
I just posted a free report to help you find out the 3 crucial steps to learning what your target market is all about. Check out Lynette Chandler & Kelly's report and get some extra tips from me by clicking the link below:
We all hear that content is king and article marketing is the bomb, but without a good strategy - it often means wasted time and money. Here's my three thoughts on article marketing. Feel free to share your own:
1. Don't just simply blindly to article directories. Find targeted website publishers and offer them rights to your articles directly.
2. Search for your articles that already being published by websites. Contact the owner to ask if he/she would like to be placed on your regular distribution list. If they're using reprint articles and already like yours, they are more than likely to say yes.
3. Build up to your byline. Give them great information that leaves them wanting even more and then offer it in your byline. For example, offer part 2 of the article via email. They get more information and you gain a new subscriber that loves your stuff!
Hope you had some time to read the Free Outsourcing Guide Q&A yesterday. If not, you can do so here. Go ahead; take a second to read over the questions and answers. No rush, I’ll still be here when you get back. Promise! ;-)
So, let me ask you…what steps are you planning to make your work days whole lot easier?
Answers to Your Most-Pressing Outsourcing Questions - Sweetie Style!
Last week I posted a request for all of your outsourcing questions. Thank you to everyone who responded with questions. There were some really great questions that I know SO many people have about getting started with and making the most of their outsourcing.
I spent most of the day writing up a 16-page guide to help you (as my Twitter friends can attest to):
Banish the myth that you can't afford to outsource
Figure out what you SHOULD outsource
Finding the right people
...and more. Grabs your now. It's totally free...no email address required and absolutely no strings attached.
When it comes to outsourcing for your business, I hear this complaint quite a bit.
“But, Alice, I don’t have the time to teach someone else how to do things. It’s just easier to do it myself.”
If the task is a repetitive one, then I’d say it’s not easier to do it yourself. It IS easier to show someone how to do it once and forget about it. Yes, it might take a bit more time to get everything together in the beginning, but after the first time, you won’t have to worry about it again.
There are times after telling those hesitant at first to teach someone new, I receive a response similar to this:
“But what happens if the person I teach stops working for me or I have a problem down the line and am left to do it myself again?”
My answer is always this: Write up an instruction sheet and keep some kind of reusable record, whether it’s written out, a screen capture video or whatever.
*HINT:Outsourcing Sweetie will help take care of some of that for you and it’s coming soon.
Then if one helper moves on, which is likely in most business, when you have this in place, it will be easier to find someone else who can fill his/her shoes.
Myth Crusher Monday - BlogRush is Just a Traffic Exchange
I just posted this on another forum about BlogRush, so I thought it might be useful here. A member wrote:
"At the core it's just a traffic exchange and have you seen the crappy sites / biz op scams that make up a significant part of traffic exchange traffic? Or the junk coming out of similar 'viral' systems like listdotcom?"
Here are my thoughts:
"I have no idea how it this will all pan out (and if we had stats to look at it sure would help - I'm a bit disappointed in that), but I don't agree that it is simply a traffic exchange or a safe list type of thing like listdotcom.
My opinion -
1. Those services you mention rely on other website owners who want to advertise their business to read other people's ads.
i.e. The people who join want to post ads, not likely want to sit around and read them all day. Blogrush traffic comes from actual blog readers and people interested in that type of content.
2. Speaking of content - this is content, rather than ads (of course, some blog entries will be ads...but generally speaking). As I mentioned earlier in this thread, it's about getting people interested in reading your blog entries, not pummeling them with biz op ads.
Granted, when readers are engaged in what you have to say in your entries, the CTR (at least in my experience) on links, etc. in the sidebar of a blog aren't always too great. But here's a good test to see if people might pay attention to this.
A little off-topic, but boy am I annoyed. I spent a couple of hours at the shopping mall today to come out to this:
This picture is taken in the dark, but you can see somebody totally side swiped (HARD, I might add) my poor PARKED car. It was hit so hard, there are chunks taken out of the tire. Even the rust from the vehicle got rubbed off all over and you can see it in the picture on the tires and to left of the tire. This is no little, "Oops I dinged your car," in the parking lot type of thing.
But luckily (or was it?), there was a note left on my windshield:
Yep, you guessed it, there's no Bob at any number that resembles the above. I thought the first three digits were 525. Hubby thought 828 or 825. There's no Bob, surprise, surprise.
Anyway, if you're a blog reader of my mine and were at the Guildford Mall in Surrey B.C. between 4-6 PM on September 16, 2007 (where else you would have been, right! HA HA) and saw this mysterious Bob, let me know. Maybe the dude was in a hurry to set up his BlogRush code...LOL
Grrrr...what a way to start my week off...in the insurance office where they're going to charge ME for something I didn't do.
It was actually quite by accident, but since it's hubby's video game night, I hung out online and connected with some IMing friends and they were stoked about John Reese's BlogRush. I'd heard a little about it earlier in the day and thought - ehh...whatever. Another glorified traffic exchange...
...but then I got it...
This has nothing to do with ads, but everything to do with CONTENT and CONNECTIONS that so many Internet users are looking for.
So, I got caught up in the excitement, took cheap shots at Frank Kern and anxiously waited for the arrival of BlogRush.
I was just thinking about returning to Armand Morin's BigSeminar for the 3rd time this coming October and so dropped by Armand's blog. He posted this video that he and Jim did a while back. So funny. That's the Armand I really enjoy - sweatshirt, jeans and a scruffy face. He's not just a stuffy talking head in a suit. ;-)
As you may know I accept questions on my Internet Marketing FAQ that I answer when time allows…and if the questions haven’t been asked before (you’d be surprised at how many questions HAVE been answered when you really dig). Often, I receive submissions that aren’t exactly questions, or they are questions buried under the negativity and hardships people have faced in their lives.
Now, I am not heartless, I feel for these people…but in my experience, when I come into contact with people who blame external factors (whether they are disabilities, family hardships, computer crashes, what have you) for their struggle and failings, it seems like they direct their own course to great struggle and even complete failure.
If you are stuck on the negative, it’s tough to come out on top. It’s tough, but not impossible. But it’s only possible if you realize it and take the initiative to change those negative thoughts. I’m not a deep thinking philosopher by any means, but I do believe that you are in charge of your own destiny.
Life is about choices and if you choose to think negative and find excuses for reasons as to why nothing is going right in your life, then more times than not, those things will come true. Self-fulfilling prophecy is definitely at work in our lives. It’s the direction you choose to take, that will make the difference between a positive and profitable business and a business that is doomed before it is even given the chance to take off and be something great.
Think Positive, Live Positive in business and in life!
As you may already know, my Outsourcing Sweetie course has been long in the making. The launch date has been set for just a tiny bit later this month…but that’s not the point of this post.
If you’ve been thinking about outsourcing, tried it without success or just want to take it to the next level – I am here to help you at no charge and with no strings attached.
Please post ANY and ALL of your outsourcing questions in the comments area below. Anonymous questions are allowed, but I encourage you to share your Sweetie self, so I know who I’m talking to.
I’ll have your answers early next week, so keep an eye on the blog and in your email inbox! :-)
I just love it when I can get a magazine delivered to my door that actually pertains to Internet marketing, online business, etc. It gives me the opportunity to learn and grow my business without having to download something, save it to my PC and then take the chance of forgetting about it, only to have never used it. It sure doesn’t hurt when it’s something useful AND free too!
I began receiving Website Magazine in the mail awhile back and never really looked at it, until the August issue. It’s got tons of information including info about search engines, pay-per-click ads, software and lots more.
Even though it has a bit of a “corporate” feel to it as opposed to the more laid back approach many Internet marketers, like that of John Reese’s Reese Report it’s definitely full of useful resources.
It’s nice to take with you to read at the gym, while waiting to pick up the kids, at doctor’s appointments, or wherever you’ve got a few minutes to spare here and there.
You can pick up your free subscription to Website Magazine by clicking here. It's free to your day in Canada & the U.S. or you can get the digital version if you live elsewhere.
...to one of the two biggest reasons I have for working from home. I started getting my feet wet with Internet marketing when this little guy was just 6 months old...now he's 6 YEARS old.
As I’m preparing for Armand Morin’s Big Seminar next month, I was reminded of a handy little report I wrote a couple years back about attending Internet Marketing seminars…and it’s just as relevant today.
My subscribers and online friends often ask me if it really was worth all the money and hype, and so I responded by creating a no-strings attached guide at:
Ever wondered what it would be like to own a top level domain name, but don’t have the dough to buy it outright? LeaseThis.com claims to offer some prime top-level domains that might be too expensive to buy, but you can lease them to try them out with an option of leasing to own.
It works like this:
Find a domain name up for lease and submit your request. The domain owner can set how long the lease will last, up to 2 years. (Anything over 2 years must be approved first.)
Once approved (within 48 hours), the domain name is redirected to your site for the duration of the lease and you receive all the traffic.
The leased domain cannot be sold by the owner during your lease period, and you’re given the first option to renew.
Pricing is competitive with PPC ads on search engines like Google.
If you own a sweet domain you can even earn cash with it by leasing it through them as well. Might be worthwhile if you’ve been hoarding those undeveloped domains!
Check it out and let me know what you think if you try it.
Oh, this international business thing and doing business in U.S. dollars has become a dangerous game. Many are saying that the U.S. dollar may completely crash at some point, causing a heck of a problem for us non-U.S. residents doing biz in the commonly accepted & expected U.S. currency. And add to that, the Canadian dollar is gaining strength, causing trouble all around for little ol' me.
According to this article at Bloomberg.com, The Bank of Canada is going to take a “wait and see approach.” Hmmm…sounds a bit familiar to this business owner.
The trend continues…me and my bank hit an all time low when I cashed a large check and received only $1.03 Canadian for every U.S. dollar. That’s a 57 cents on the dollar loss since the time I first started my online business.
Anyway, I’ve lamented about this before, so I probably sound like a broken old record. I have considered selling in Canadian dollars, but since most of my customers are American, I wonder if I’d lose more potential sales than money lost in the exchange rate.
Outside of being a product seller, being an affiliate isn’t much better. It is just NOT easy to find a lot of good Canadian companies paying out in Canadian funds. Or when I do find one, they sell to Canada only – alienating a huge chunk of my audience.
Even most of the CANADIAN companies I work with are paying out in U.S. dollars. One notable exception being Dr. Ken Evoy’s Site Sell. Since they sell in Canadian dollars, they pay in Canadian dollars. Of course, that program is only really useful for affiliates in the B2B market.
I did recently come across CanadianSponsors.com and they are a Canadian-focused affiliate network. But holy smokes, the process to sign up was laborious. I signed up. About a day later, I got an email from a real live person (form email, but it was manually sent) asking me to confirm that it is my company that was signing up. I wrote back and said yes. Then whomever received my confirmation proceeded to approve my application. Then I received an automated request to confirm my sign up and it asked me to click a link to confirm. LOL – didn’t I already confirm? Anyway, I did and then my application was approved and I was active.
When I looked inside, I saw most of the offers inside are pay per lead. You know surveys, VOIP, insurance deals, etc. Many are for Canadians only, but there are include American and some international opportunities. So there may be an offer or two that might prove useful.
But I laugh at the whole experience of getting in there. It is so typical of Canadian websites – they make the process hard. In fact, so many online “stores” don’t even have online ordering available. For goodness sake, you cannot order anything off the Walmart.ca. For goodness sakes – you can’t order from WALMART.ca!
The fact is, Canadians just don’t buy online the way Americans do, plus the population difference is staggering. We USE the Internet in large numbers, but as far as ecommerce goes, we’re still way behind. But I’m not sure if it’s because we the consumers aren’t ready or the business owners aren’t making it available. I'm starting to think it's the latter.
So, I’m still essentially where I was before. What about you? Whether you’re Canadian or from elsewhere in the world…how are you dealing with this U.S. dollar thing?
Mark your calendars now for the eComXpo. In case you’ve not heard about this Fall’s expo here’s the scoop.
Who Can Benefit from Attending: - Anyone interested in learning about an starting an online career. - Current online business owners who are looking to grow their business in areas such as:
- Affiliate Marketing - Internet Marketing - Managing Affiliate Programs - Website Owners - Advertisers - Merchants who already have or are considering an online presence - and lots more…
What Exactly Is The eComXpo? A three day online tradeshow where attendees will hear from speakers such as:
- Anik Singal of Affiliate Classroom - Paul Botto of Google - Shawn Collins - Rosalind Gardner - Seth Godin
This isn’t just your average teleseminar. There are opportunities to not only hear speakers such as those above, but also to network with other like minded individuals who want to start an online business as well as those who’ve been there, done that and are now making big bucks! It’s just like a real tradeshow except you get to do it all right from your computer.
When: October 9, 10, & 11, 2007
Cost to Attend: Nothing, nodda, zilch, zero, zip…you get the picture, but just in case: It’s FREE! ;-)
Just a quick update on this fine Tuesday morning (or at least it's morning here in Vancouver, Canada). If you're not already a member of All Private Label Content, we've just released our new bundles that might just be perfect for your next content project.
NEW ARTICLE BUNDLE: Toddlers ************************************
15 articles perfect for parents and even caregivers of toddlers. We all love the toddlers - but they can be a handful! Your readers will learn about toddler-proofing their homes, tantrums, discipline, car seat safety and more.
NEW ARTICLE BUNDLE: Homeschool *****************************************
15 articles on topics of interest to homeschoolers. Now that the kids are back to hitting the books, this bundle helps your readers decide if homeschooling is right for them, what it takes to be a homeschooler, using the Internet, making it fun and more.
NEW RESEARCH BUNDLE: Be A Virtual Assistant (VA) ********************************************************
15 well-researched topics helping your readers start and run a successful VA business. Topics include what is a VA, who uses VAs, necessary equipment and supplies, finding clients and more.
NEW RESEARCH BUNDLE: Holistic Living ********************************************
Thinking of writing articles on the popular topic of holistic living? Use these 15 researched topics to make your work a whole lot easier. Topics include holism explained, holistic medicine, parenting, pet care, stress management and more.
NEW RESEARCH BUNDLE: High School *****************************************
If your readers include parents of high school kids, this bundle is for you. This bundle includes research on course loads, SATs, preparing for college, cliques, relationships and more.